Solving and Creating a Problem

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Jay sighed and looked up to where Ben was pointing and he saw Mal sitting at the top of the tree. He went to the base of the tree, and started climbing. "Jay!" Belle called out, but Ben put a hand on his mother's shoulder. "He'll be fine, Mom. He's from the Isle of the Lost, where they do things very differently than we do it here." Ben said. Belle nodded, but still feared for her son. Everyone from Auradon Prep watched Jay climb to the top of the tree. He talked to Mal for about a minute, and finally Mal pushed off the tree and landed on the ground. She took off running towards the school building, as everyone was clear to go back inside. All of the cheerleaders swarmed around Jay as he touched the ground again. They all asked if he was okay and acted like he was their little baby. "I'm fine, thank you girls." Jay said before walking off to his parents. "Why did Mal finally decide to come out of that tree?" Beast asked. "I told her if she came out of the tree, we'd watch Eragon and Maleficent, her two favorite movies because they have dragons in them." Jay said. "Let's go inside." Belle said.

Jay got back inside Mal's room, and she was sitting on the couch, waiting with two movies in her hands. "Which one first?" Jay asked. "Eragon." Mal said handing Jay the movie from her right hand. Jay put the movie in on the TV, and Mal curled up again against his chest. Jay held her, and Mal fell asleep half way through the movie. Jay kissed her forehead as her breathing got labored. Jay rested his head on the couch, and he fell asleep while cradling Mal. The next morning, Jay and Mal got ready for school, and headed down to breakfast. "How much leather do you own?" Chad asked Mal as she sat down at the table across from him and Ben. "3 times the brain cells you have." "That means a lot." Jay sat as he sat down next to Mal. "About how much do you estimate?" Chad asked. Mal thought about it for a moment, as if counting every piece of leather she owned. "I'd say around 2,000 pounds worth of leather, not counting my combat boots." Chad's mouth dropped open. "That's equal to what an elephant weighs!" He exclaimed and Mal smiled and laughed.

"Has anyone seen Evie?" Chad asked after breakfast. Mal said, "Not lately." Chad looked to Ben, who shook his head. Chad then looked to Jay, but Jay was on a phone call, so Chad didn't ask him. Halfway through the morning, Jay came by Fairy Godmother's Class. "Hello Jay. Come on in." She said smiling. She waved him up to stand by her, and Jay did as told. "Mal, Jay talked to me, and he asked me if there was a way to help you, get more weight on you, as to say." Fairy Godmother said. "That's fine and good, but every time I try to eat something, it comes back up. I can't even hold water in." "That's going to be a problem Mal. In the summer, temperatures reach around 100 degrees." Fairy Godmother said. "You'll overheat and get dehydrated, causing more problems to your body." "Then what do you suggest?" Mal asked looking at Jay with fright in her eyes. "It's nothing that won't hurt Mal, don't worry." Jay said. "It's something called Prozac, but with more magic to heal. Once this bottle of pills is empty, you'll be able to eat small things, such as a cup of water, fruits, and vegetables. Over time, you'll be able to eat again, and on the plus side, your weight will change with the flow as you eat." Fairy Godmother said.

Mal nodded, and Fairy Godmother handed Mal the tall and wide bottle of pills, about the size of a plastic water bottle. "One pill is to be taken every 24 hours, until the bottle is empty, and then read the instructions I've given you, and you'll be all better." "Thank you Fairy Godmother." Mal said shaking the bottle slightly. "You're very welcome Mal. Also, I've been wondering, where is Carlos?" Fairy Godmother asked.

Right before Mal could answer Fairy Godmother, the door burst open, revealing a VERY angry Chad. "What the heck is going on? One of you two answer me!" Chad yelled at Jay and Mal. "What are you talking about?" Jay asked standing and moving in front of Mal. Mal peered around Jay's legs to see Chad. "I had a break in my class, and I go on social media, and I find this picture on Evie's account!" Chad cried shoving his phone in Jay's face. Just as Chad had said, Evie had posted a picture on her Auragram Story, a picture of a shirtless Carlos, cuddled up with a big, white, fluffy, pillow in his arms. There were scratches up and down his back, that resembled nail marks. Jay covered Mal's eyes before she went to look. "Trust me, this will ruin your perfect image of your best friend Carlos." Jay said before Mal took his hand off her face. "I want to see it." She said and Jay stepped out of the way to let her see. Mal saw the picture and she screamed in shock. "You two must know something is going on. What the heck is this all about?" Chad demanded.

Mal couldn't stop staring at the picture on Chad's phone. Jay saw her look of horror, and he asked Chad to shut his phone off. Chad did, and he looked for an explanation. Mal shook her head and Jay took Mal's hand and squeezed it. Mal shut her eyes, and kept them shut. Jay didn't say anything, and then Belle, Ben, and Beast walked through the door.

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