True Love's Test

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The storm continued on, and when several loud thuds were heard and then sounds of a building crashing, Mal winced. Jay, who was sitting next to her, pulled her closer to him. He knew it was scaring her, as it sounded like her mother. Her mother was something that could never be erased from Mal's mind. It was physical and emotional scars that her mom left on her, and Mal had to suffer from that. Mal tried to focus her mind on something else, so she kept staring at the clock, and keeping exact time. It had been almost 6 hours they had been down her, and Mal was so skittery, she couldn't contain herself. She started to panic, but before she could get too far into panic, Jay turned her face gently by her chin to face him. Everyone else was asleep except for them, but Jay didn't care if anyone saw them. He kissed Mal, and stroked her hair. "There's nothing to fear Princess. Just the wind knocking down buildings." Jay joked and Mal cracked a smile. 

"That's reassuring." She leaned her head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. She yawned and Jay poked her nose. "Hey." She complained and Jay grinned. Since there were no beds, they slept on unzipped sleeping bags on the floor. Mal cuddled into Jay, and inhaled the scent of his hair. They faced each other in the dark, and Jay stroked her hair in the dark of night. "I love you Cobrey." She said and Jay watched her yawn before saying, "I love you too Princess." 

The next morning, the storm was over, and everyone was let out of the safe rooms. Mal stood in the hallway, waiting for Carlos with Evie and Jay, but he never came. Mal started to get worried, and Jay stepped away to answer his phone. Jay made sure that the girls couldn't hear the phone call, and when he hung up, he couldn't bear himself to break the news to them. Jay walked back to them, and he cleared his throat. Both girls turned their attention to Jay, and he said, "It would if...that...Carlos...he didn't make it down to the safe rooms last night." Jay said softly, and almost immediatly Evie started freaking out. Mal didn't say anything, and Evie kept freaking out louder. Ben had to come and into the picture and calm her down, so Jay could continue. "He wasn't accounted for, and no one can find him." Evie started crying, and Ben hugged his sister. "We'll find him." Ben said and before Jay could do or say anything, Mal pushed him back towards the busted wall. "Carlos is hiding. He wasn't supposed to be found, and whoever called you is going to mess up the entire plan." Mal whispered. "What are you talking about?" Jay asked. "Carlos wants to test Evie, before he asks her to marry him. He asked me to help him set this up a few weeks ago, and we've been watching the wheather very closely. He's hiding to issue a test of love towards Evie, to see if she really loves him, or she's still hesitant." Mal explained. 

Jay nodded, and Mal made him promise not to say anything about it. Jay agreed, and the two returned to Evie and Ben. "Should we start looking for him?" Jay asked and Evie nodded silently. Mal took Jay's hand, and they walked down the hallway, side by side. "He has an envelope hidden in our room, that I'm supposed to find, and pretend I don't know what it is." Mal said and Jay nodded. Mal and Carlos's room, barely had anything moved, since they spent most of the time in Jay and Evie's rooms. Mal opened the door, and a whole bunch of their stuff was knocked this way and that. "First off, I'm going to get that ring, and give to you for safe keeping." Mal said and Jay nodded. Mal unlocked her safe, and she took out the white velvet box. She handed it to Jay, and she dug out her spellbook. Jay looked at it, and looked back to Mal to see what she was going to do. Mal didn't break eye contact with the spellbook, and she sighed, and put the spellbook back in the safe. "Mal-" "I know Jay. I should get rid of it, but I feel like that is my one outcome of living on the Isle. It's like an emblem of my past." Jay nodded and he hugged his girlfriend. 

Mal looked around through the rubble, and she quickly found some things. She found the necklace Carlos had given her, for her 10th birthday, she found Carlos's treasured dog bone headphones, and she found the orange envelope that Carlos had hidden. She looked up from the floor to see Jay standing across the room. "What's on your mind Princess?" Jay asked at her silence. "I'm debating whether or not to put a spell on two bags to store everything of mine and Carlos's. We rarely spend any time here anymore, and-" Mal trailed off and looked back at the floor. "Dragon?" Jay asked and Mal sighed. She looked back at him, and he saw she had a few tears threatening to spill. "I miss him. Is this what's going to happen? Once Carlos and Evie get married, am I never going to see him again?" She asked. "Of course not. Carlos and Evie just need to get over that hump in their relationship, and then everything will slowly start to get back to normal." Jay said and Mal nodded. In the end, Mal did end up putting a spell on two bookbags. She then spelled all of her stuff in the room into one bookbag, and everything of Carlos's into the other bag. 

"We better get this to Evie." Mal said. Jay's room was all finished by the time they got back to his room, and dumped the two bookbags. Mal quickly put on her necklace from Carlos, and Jay noticed. "Where did you get that?" Jay asked. "Carlos put this necklace together by stealing the materials, and adding in some details for my 10th birthday." Mal said. She held the pendant in her hand, and Evie came into the room. She was wiping her eyes off with her sleeve, and she came to stand next to Jay. When Mal turned around, she saw her necklace and gasped. "You stole me necklace!" Mal had a look of shock, and she shook her head. "Of course I didn't steal your necklace. This is my necklace. I've had this thing forever." She said. "I lost mine when I was 10." "Well, I was given this necklace." "From who?" Evie asked. Her eyes were turning angry, and Mal rolled her eyes. "Your boyfriend. He gave it to me for my 10th birthday." "I lost mine right around your birthday." "I still didn't steal your necklace." Mal argued and Evie went forward to rip the necklace off of Mal, when Mal stepped back. "Don't you dare even think about touching this necklace. Carlos is my brother, and after he marries you, there won't be anything left of him. Take this stupid letter, I'm leaving. Don't come looking for me. I know exactly where I'll be, and I'll be back in time for Friday night." Mal exclaimed and threw the letter at Evie and storming out of Jay's room. 

(Mal's necklace)

(Mal's necklace)

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