Dorm Disaster

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As Mal stayed next to Carlos on the way back to the dorms, she kept peering around Carlos's shoulder to watch Roger and Anita. When they got back to their shared dorm room, Carlos slammed the door shut. "Carlos," Mal said softly and he nodded. "It's just so frustrating! The classes we took were so easy, but trying to be the perfect prince, is harder than it looks. I want to be a good prince, and a good role model so people won't hate Evie, but the challenge is constantly growing higher and higher. How do you handle all of this so well?" Carlos asked sitting down on the couch. Mal sat down next to him, and propped her elbow up on the back of the couch, so that her hand was on the side of her head. "I try not to doubt myself. I feel like I'm in power, and if all else fails, I go to Jay, and he always talks me through it, and I'm not so nervous about going to be a princess anymore." Mal said before she slapped her hand over her mouth. Carlos's mouth dropped open, as he realized what she had just did.

"Mal, did Jay?" Carlos asked and Mal nodded. "I wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but you are the only person to know besides Beast and Belle. He had to make sure they were okay with him asking my hand in marriage, and they accepted without a heartbeat. I'm so excited too, but we're going to wait a few years, before we tell the public." Mal said with a big smile. "Let me see the rock. Jay's a prince, he must have gotten you something worth his big bucks." Carlos said and they shared a laugh. Mal showed him her index finger, where the ring was. "It doesn't look like an engagement ring at all." Carlos said. "I know that genius. The real ring is over here." Mal said standing back up. She went over to her bed, and unlocked the small safe under her bed. "Besides my diary, and my dragon necklace, I keep the ring in here." Mal said taking out the small, red, velvet box and walking back over to Carlos. She opened the box, and Carlos sucked in a breath. "He really loves you doesn't he to give you that rock." Carlos said and Mal flicked him in the back of the head as she shut the box. (Ring is pictured above)

"Even Evie doesn't know?" Carlos asked as Mal locked the safe, and sat back down. She shook her head, and she leaned back against the back of the couch. "When did all of this happen?" Carlos asked. "Back when we all went up to Corona to meet with the royalty there. Jay and I went to the top of this scenic view, and he popped the question. No one else knows about it, and we've made sure. Since we're only 16, we know we're too young to get married, so we're waiting for 2 years before announcing the engagement." Mal said. "So I'm guessing I have to keep this a secret?" Carlos asked and Mal nodded. "Please. Carlos, I'll get into huge trouble if anyone else finds out." Mal said and Carlos nodded. "Your secret is safe with your big brother." Carlos said linking his index finger around hers. Mal smiled, and then Mal asked how he felt when he revealed his scars. "I felt strong, and brave. Like my mom had never laid her hands on me." "I wish that had been the case." Mal said. She ran her nails along Carlos's hand, as she knew it kept him calm.

"Yeah. Unfortunately, we got stupid mothers." "And they got stupid kids." Mal said and the two shared another laughing fit. "Honestly, when I showed them my back, I kind of felt, like I was the King. I felt like no one was going to stop me, and that all came crashing down when I looked at Roger and Anita. I get that my mother was a pain in the butt towards them, but that doesn't mean I'm the same as her. I would never want to be like her emotionally. The way she dresses, I have no problem with, because I share the same fashion tastes, but everything else about her, would be torture for me to bear with." "I agree. I'm kind of glad you did show your scars though. It showed everyone you weren't afraid of the truth. I admire you for your bravery." Mal said and Carlos felt like he was going to melt. "Look who's a Princess." Carlos smirked and Mal blushed. "I'm still a little worried about Roger and Anita. Andrew and Roberta have no problem with us, it's just that their parents think I'm a psychopath murder." "No matter what they think Carlos, you'll always be my big brother. Or puppy." Mal said and Carlos didn't hesitate to stretch out on the couch, so that his feet were hanging off the couch, and his head in Mal's lap. Mal kicked her nude colored high heels off, and kicked her feet up on the coffee table.

Mal played with his curls as they watched The First Purge. When it ended, they decided to watch Happy Death Day. At the beginning of the movie, Carlos and Mal were interrupted as their dorm room door was burst open. Carlos had been lured asleep by Mal, so she was the one to look to the doorway, to see Roger, Anita, Andrew, and Roberta. Mal groaned, and tried not to move too much. "Where is that Cruella spawn at?" Roger hissed and Mal told him to be quiet, as Carlos was asleep. "I want him out of this school and sent back to the Isle of the Lost immediately!" Roger shouted and Carlos shifted. Mal ran her hair through his curls as she cocked her head at Roger. "Just because you are a cocky grown man, doesn't give you any right to terrorize Carlos. Showing emotion on the Isle of the Lost would get you killed." Mal said softly. "Why do you care so much about that boy anyways?" Anita asked and Roberta and Andrew tried to stop their parents. "Carlos is my brother. Well just about. Look, I don't care what anybody says. Carlos and I will never be separated. If Carlos has to go back to the Isle, then I'll go with him. We'll always stick together, because we have that bond that won't be broken by words and actions. What do you have against Carlos anyways?" Mal asked.

"He's assioated with Cruella de Vil, and this behavior problem of his shouldn't be tolerated." "For the love of God. Roger, Carlos isn't going to hurt anyone. He's grown up learning and doing two separate things. He hates his mom, and that won't change. She's scarred him, she's scarred me, my mom's scarred me, my mom has scarred him. It won't change. You need to get over your fear of Cruella, because Carlos, would, and never would hurt someone, because that's what his mom would do, and he doesn't want to be like his mom." Mal explained before unpausing Happy Death Day. "Andrew, Roberta, you're welcome to watch the movie with me if you want. It just got past opening credits." Andrew started forward, and sat on the couch next to Mal on her unoccupied side. "No Roberta. You're staying with us." Anita said before she and Roger took Roberta and exited the room.

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