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As Jay went back up for more food with Chad, Mal looked around before dumping her cup of water in the bushes next to them. "Mal." Evie scolded. "Back off okay. You're here living in the world of wonders, while I was almost beaten to death everyday in that dump and almost starved to death. You were fed everyday, I was fed every other month. Back off." Mal said challenging Evie to say more. Ben watched Mal a little more closely, and he realized what had been said last night at dinner was true, she was starved. She was so thin, she looked like she might die any moment, but she didn't seem to be weak. Mal caught Ben staring at her, and she looked him in the eyes. "Is there  a problem?" She asked him and Ben shook his head before turning his head away.

Jay sat back down next to Mal and he glanced at her empty water cup. "She dumped it in the bushes." Evie said. Mal glared at Evie. "Mal, I understand you can't consume anything without throwing it up, but could you at least try to down a drink of water or something?" Jay asked her. Mal shrugged. "Come on skinny jeans, try it." Evie said before Mal lunged. Jay grabbed her leather jacket and yanked her back from Evie. "Mal, calm down. Evie, you know not to call her that. Can we please be civil here?" Jay asked as he released Mal. Mal was fuming. She refused to look at Evie and Ben asked if she was alright. Mal didn't respond, before she suddenly got up from the table and knocked over Evie's food into Evie's lap before strutting away angrily, with a motorcyclist walk. Evie shrieked and Ben immediately got napkins to help her.

"What did I do to her?" Evie asked out loud. "Evie, you perfectly know well what you did. You know she hates being called skinny jeans." Jay said. "What's so wrong about calling her skinny jeans?" Evie asked. "Evie, stop acting like this. Honestly, it's like you wanted to make Mal angry on purpose." Jay said. "Again, I repeat, what's so wrong about calling Mal skinny jeans?" "That's what Harry Hook called her." "So?" "Evie, may I remind you of what he did?" "Oh. Right." Evie said her face paling and she shivered just thinking about it. "What did he do?" Ben asked. "Nothing that concerns you." "Shouldn't you go after that explosive machine?" Chad asked. "Don't need to. Every time she gets like this, it's better for me to stay away. When she gets angry, watch out. She'll fight anything that gets near her, including me. Nicked me in the face one time. She doesn't mean it, but she doesn't know any better." Jay said. "How does she calm down?" "She never hurts Carlos, even when she's angry. She always goes to Carlos." Evie said rolling her eyes. "Something is telling me you don't like Carlos very much." Ben said. "Something like that." Evie said before Jay coughed out his laughter. "Shut up Jay." Evie said.

Jay got to Mal's dorm a half hour later, hoping she was calmed down. Sure enough, as he knocked on the door, and then opened the door, Mal was sitting on the couch with a Wii controller in her one hand, and her other hand running through Carlos's curls, as he rested his head on her leg. "You ready for class?" Jay asked. Mal nodded and she gently pulled her leg out from under Carlos, and put a pillow under his head instead. "Bye Carlos." Mal and Jay said together as Mal slung her studded, gold, leather backpack over her shoulder. "Fairy Godmother's class first?" Jay asked as they walked down the hallway. Mal nodded and she looked up at him. "God I feel stupid. I shouldn't have exploded at Evie this morning. I don't have any classes with her. If I write her a note, will you give it to her?" Mal asked softly. "I'm not mad at you Mal." Jay said grabbing his school books out of his locker. "Are you sure?" Mal asked. "Dragon, I'll never be mad at you, unless you decide to chop my hair off in the middle of the night, then I'll be mad at you." Jay said kissing Mal's forehead as they got to Fairy Godmother's classroom. Fairy Godmother wasn't there yet, so Jay sat next to Mal, as she got a piece of notebook paper, and a pen. She wrote on the paper,


I'm sorry about breakfast. You didn't deserve all that food on you, and I apologize for that. I was just angry about you calling me skinny jeans, and about several other things that I've been holding in since leaving the Isle of the Lost. You didn't deserve that, and I shouldn't have exploded on you like that.


Mal folded the note up, and handed it to Jay. Fairy Godmother got to the classroom, and Jay kissed Mal's head before he left the classroom. "Good morning Mal." Fairy Godmother greeted with a smile. "Good morning!" Mal said back to her teacher. "Isn't there a second one of you?" She asked and Mal nodded. "He wasn't feeling too great this morning." Mal answered. Fairy Godmother nodded for a moment, and started to teach the lesson. The first day, Mal was reviewed to see what she knew, and what she didn't know. Mal took multiple tests the whole morning, until lunch. She stayed in her room for lunch, playing video games on the Wii, and running her hand through Carlos's curls as he half slept.

Jay came to her door after lunch was over, and she went back to class. Overall, Mal was bored with school, until it was dinner. She didn't anything, as usual, but Mal and Jay agreed on plans to make Carlos and Evie fall in love again.

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