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"Mal?" Andrew asked. "Hey guys. Andrew, I believe you need to talk to your parents about your sister." Mal said and Andrew nodded before slipping outside of the kitchen, into the hallway. "Cassie, Roberta, whatever you're going by." Mal called out, and a girl's head popped up from behind a counter. "Okay, we need to get into this vent." Mal said pointing up at the vent she had come from. Cassie shook her head. "I won't fit in there." "Mal, you are the only one that small enough for that." Carlos said and Mal sighed. "Fine. I'll think of something else." She spotted a door at the end of the kitchen. Mal walked over to the door, and opened it. She saw the Enchanted Forest from where she was at, and she quickly made the shortcut in her mind. She grinned, and turned back to Carlos and Cassie. "Come on. To the Enchanted Forest we go." All three of them ran out the door, and followed Mal on her shortcut to the Enchanted Forest.

When they reached the Enchanted Forest, Mal found a tree near the end of the long grove of trees, big enough to hold Carlos and Cassie. She had Carlos and Cassie get into the tree, and hide in the branches. Mal ran to the beginning of the grove, and hid in one of the trees there, and the wait began. Back in the hallway of Auradon Prep, Ben and Evie were trying to talk with Roger and Anita, but failing. Finally, Andrew turned to Jay, pleading him to do something. Jay nodded, and he laid his hands on his siblings' shoulders. "Let me try." He said and they nodded. The two of them took a step back, and Jay asked, "Can we take a walk?" Roger shook his head, but Anita looked to her son's face, and saw his nod. Anita agreed, and she walked with Jay down the hallway. "How are you?" Jay asked starting the conversation. "Freaked out. My daughter was once in the same house as Cruella." Anita said and Jay nodded. "And you're scared that she'll be dangerous and hurt someone?" "Yes. How did you know?" Anita asked surprised.

"My parents felt the same way towards my girlfriend when I told them she was Maleficent's daughter. They were so afraid that she would kill me and my siblings. Over time, as they got to know her better, they realized that Mal wasn't going to hurt anyone. Behind all of the scary looks, Mal has a big heart. She deeply cares for Carlos, Evie, and me, and my parents discovered that they could trust her." "How did your parents get over their fear?" "I asked them to give Mal a chance, to prove she wasn't dangerous. Now, my mother enjoys Mal's company, and thinks of her as her second daughter. With Roberta, I don't believe she spent that much time with Cruella. She's spent most of her life here in Auradon with Andrew, Roger, and yourself. You've raised her, and she's grown up under your influence. I think you can agree that she's not like Cruella." Anita pondered it for a moment, and she nodded. "You're right. I was just so scared about her being Cruella's daughter, and Carlos' sister. Cruella isn't someone I like." Jay nodded. "I think if you gave Carlos a chance, you could see that he isn't as dangerous as you think he is." "I guess Roger and I have been a little too harsh on him." "Would you like to talk to Roger about this?" Jay asked and Anita nodded.

"I think we should sit down with Carlos and Roberta, and work things out. Thank you, Prince Jayden, for showing me the good in a bad situation." "Please, just call me Jayden." Jay said, and Anita bowed to him, before going back to the group gathered in the hallway. "I've still got it." He whispered to himself before following her back to the group. When he reached the group, Ben and Evie asked him how he changed Anita's mind. "I just talked to her, it's as simple as that." Jay said smiling. Roger turned to Jay, "Could you take us to Carlos and Roberta?" "Of course." Jay said. "Just allow me one minute." Everyone nodded, and Jay made the phone call to his girlfriend. She answered on the second ring, and Mal gave him directions. Jay ended the call, and said, "Follow me." They got into the Royal Limo, and followed Mal's directions, until they ended up in the grove of trees where Mal, Carlos, and Roberta were hidden. Jay asked everyone to be silent, and then he knocked on a tree in a series of knocks. "What was that?" Andrew asked. "The start of the signal for Mal." Jay said, and repeated the knock two more times, and then whistled with his index and pinkie fingers. A whistle sounded from all over the circle, and then Mal dropped out of a tree, landing behind Jay.

"Hey guys." She said climbing onto Jay's back, looping her arms around his neck, as he slid his arms under legs. "It's quite dark out here." Anita said taking Roger's hand. "Where are Carlos and Roberta?" Roger asked. "This way." Mal said and directed Jay in the right direction. They kept going, and Mal continued giving directions with help from her night vision. Finally, she told them to stop. Mal dropped off of Jay's back, and scrambled up the tree within 5 seconds. "Jeez! She almost gave me a heart attack!" Roger cried and Jay stifled his laughter with a cough. Mal came back down the tree, with Carlos and Roberta behind her. They all walked back to the limo, and Jay offered to drive. Mal sat up front next to Jay, and Ben sat on the other side of Mal. Evie stayed in the back with Carlos, and Ben fell asleep on Mal's shoulder. Mal rested her head on top of Ben's head, and shut her eyes. Before she knew it, she felt hands lightly shaking her awake. "Mal, time to wake up." Jay said and Mal opened her eyes and groaned. Within a minute she was fully awake, and Jay looked at a sleeping Ben. "Can you get him upstairs? He'll be killed if he's caught out of his bedroom at this hour." Mal nodded, and went into the building with Ben.

"So how is everyone?" Jay asked. "Better, and we owe it all to you Jayden." Anita smiled and Carlos snorted. "Is that your real name?" "Your girlfriend's real name is Evelyn. I don't see the problem." Jay said. Carlos snorted again at Evie's name, and she hit him in the back of head. "You have a problem with my name?" Evie asked him and Carlos shook his head. "No problem from me." Jay laughed as Carlos shrieked like a little girl and running from Evie. "Come on inside. Let's get some sleep."

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