Fairy Godmother's Questions

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Ben finished talking to his parents, and he kissed his mom on the head before leaving for the dorms himself. He got back into Auradon Prep, and he passed Carlos and Mal's dorm on the way to his dorm. He had stopped by Fairy Godmother's office on the way to his room, and she had given Ben two clipboards full of questions. One for Carlos, and one for Mal. Ben went to the open doorway, and watched the scene in front of him.

Carlos and Mal were sitting on the floor next to each other, facing Evie who was sitting on the back of the couch with her legs dangling off the side. Jay was leaning against the wall right inside the doorway. His arms were crossed and he had that look that made him seem like he was chill all the time. Jay gave off that vibe a lot, Ben thought. That he's always calm, even though he's very angry at me. Evie said something aloud that made Mal laugh, which in return led Carlos to say something, which made Mal pounce on Carlos. "AHH!" Carlos screamed as Mal flattened Carlos on the floor as she laid on his back.

"This carpet's so comfy and cozy. What fabric was used?" Mal asked sarcastically. "Ha-ha. Jokes over. Please get off me." Carlos whined and Mal obliged as Jay picked her up by the waist. "You got off easy this time De Vil." Mal said at Carlos glaring. Her face softened and she and Carlos laughed together. "Curfew's in a few minutes. You guys should get ready to go to sleep." Jay said as Mal sat down on his lap. "Do we have to?" Mal asked. "Yeah! Do we have to?" Carlos asked. Carlos and Mal gave Jay and Evie puppy dog eyes. "I know you two hate the dreams, but you have to. I wouldn't want you two to get sent back to the Isle again. I hate that place, and it puts you two in too much danger." Jay said kissing the back of Mal's neck.

"If it makes you feel better, I'll stay here with you." Jay whispered to Mal kissing up her neck. She giggled and her hair fell sideways down her shoulder. Ben rolled his eyes and knocked on the doorframe, making his presence noticed. "Sorry if I was interrupting anything, but Fairy Godmother has given me this clipboards filled with questions that have to be answered. Would you like to fill them out yourselves, or would you like me to read them out loud and you answer them in words?" Ben asked. "We can fill them out ourselves if you don't mind." Carlos said. Ben nodded and handed Mal and Carlos each a clipboard. Chad showed up at the doorway and Evie hopped up from the couch. She kissed Ben and Jay on the cheek before scampering out the door with Chad. "Jay, do you want to go back to your dorm?" Ben asked. "I'm fine here thank you." Jay said putting his head on Mal's shoulder to read the questions that were given.

Some of the questions were easy to answer, as in the color of your eyes, your height, and your weight. Other questions were difficult to answer, as they got too personal. For example, a question on Mal's form asked if she was sexually active. The question below that read are you on birth control. On Carlos's form, a question asked when the last time he had intercourse, and if he had it, did they use protection. "Don't sweat the questions. Not doing these things are good here." Jay told Mal and Carlos and Carlos nodded relieved.

Mal was pondering on how to explain her answer for the question that asked if she was sexually active. She tapped her pencil against the clipboard, and Jay pressed his lips against her neck again to get her attention. "Don't know how to answer?" Jay asked her and she nodded. "Just tell the truth." Jay urged and Mal nodded with a skeptical look on her face. She pressed her pencil against the paper and wrote, sort of. Then the question below that, she checked no. Mal didn't need to explain to Jay what her answer, sort of, meant. Jay had lived on the Isle, and he knew that things happened that weren't supposed to. Carlos didn't have a problem answering the rest of his questions, knowing that telling the truth was the best here in Auradon. Carlos handed his clipboard back to Ben and he went into the bathroom to change into his pajamas.

"Mal, are you done with yours?" Ben asked and Mal shook her head with worry written all over her face. Jay knew the question she was struggling with, and he asked Ben, "If she didn't want to answer one, as it was too personal, should she have to answer it?" "It would be best if she did, but if it's too personal, then she doesn't have to." "Thanks Ben. There you go Mal. You don't have to worry about your mom here." Jay said. Mal nodded and she skipped the question about abuse and scars. She shuddered thinking about her mom's wrath. Jay wrapped his arms around her waist, and she calmed down. She answered the rest of the questions and handed the clipboard back to Ben. Ben thanked Mal and Carlos, and bid the three of them a goodnight. Carlos got into his bed and whimpered stared up at the ceiling.  "I wish Evie hadn't broken her promise." Carlos said as Jay reluctantly left by Ben's will. "Me too. Chad seems like a jerk." Mal said grabbing her pajamas and changing into them quickly. She came out of the bathroom and crossed over to Carlos's bed.

Carlos pulled back the covers for her and she climbed in and laid down next to him on her stomach. "Same agreement right?" Carlos asked and Mal nodded as she yawned. Carlos and Mal had spent countless amounts of nights together in the same bed, to comfort each other from the nightmares that haunted them. Carlos and Mal fell asleep, wondering what the nights nightmares would be from.

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