Back to Auradon Prep

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"Lovebirds, your cage awaits you, right over here." Mal said as Jay helped her guide Carlos and Evie towards a temporary cabin Mal had spelled into the forest just for their plan. "Knock yourselves out." Mal said as she shut the door after Carlos and Evie were inside. Mal walked next to Jay, and he wrapped her arm around her waist again. "We make a pretty good team." Jay said and Mal nodded eagerly. "God, I can't believe it actually worked!" Mal exclaimed and Jay smiled. "Finally, but how can we be sure they'll fall back in love again?" Jay stopped as Mal turned to look at him with a smile on her face. She took his hands in hers, and she said, "I had that all taken care of. I've gotten caught all up on everything that made them fall in love the first time, and I put it in that cabin. By tomorrow morning, who knows what they've done together." Jay opened his mouth to answer but Mal quickly slapped a hand over his mouth saying, "Don't answer that."

They laughed and finished crossing the footbridge. They got into the Royal Limo that Jay had called, and got back to Auradon Prep as dusk was settling into Auradon City. "Do you want me to stay with you tonight, as Carlos will be occupied?" Jay asked stifling some laughter. Mal nodded, "Just like old times." "Just like old times." Jay repeated and Mal took his hand again as they went through the hallways. A whole group of girls going after Ben were in the hallway, and Ben looked towards Jay as if pleading to help him. Jay looked towards Mal and she nodded, already understanding him. Mal casted a spell and the girls dispersed. "Weren't Carlos and Evie with you?" Ben asked as he thanked both of them. "No problem, and yes they were with us, but now they've got, uh, business to attend to." Jay said and Mal snickered. Jay smiled and rolled his eyes.

"So, what happened to Audrey? I thought she was always with you." Jay said. "She's asleep. She had an exhausting day." "Did she?" Mal said. Jay elbowed her in the ribs, and she elbowed him back. "Anyways, if Carlos and Evie are busy, when you see them, could you tell them that Family Day is three weeks away on the last Sunday of the month?" "Of course Ben." Jay said and he and Mal told Ben goodbye, before heading down further towards the dorms. Jay grabbed his stuff, and he went into Mal's dorm. She was curled up on the couch watching TV. Jay changed in the bathroom and he sat next to Mal on the couch. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back so she was resting against his chest. Mal uncurled her legs, and she fell asleep. Jay kissed the top of her head before picking up his phone and setting it next to him on the armrest of the couch before securing Mal in his grip, before falling asleep himself.

During the night, the fire alarms went off, and everyone had to evacuate outside. As Fairy Godmother was getting a head count of everyone, Belle noticed two of her kids weren't here. She told her husband and her remaining son, and Ben spotted Jay with Mal leaning against a tree. "Jay's over there." Ben said pointing him out to his mom. "Oh thank God, but what about Evie?" Belle asked. "I haven't seen her anywhere come to think about it. I asked Chad and he said he hasn't seen her since yesterday afternoon. Maybe Jay will know." Ben asked and the three went over to Jay and Mal. Jay had Mal's hand and he was stroking the back of it with his thumb. He was talking to her in Arabian and he stopped when he saw his parents and brother. "Jayden, where were you?" Beast said and Jay knew he was going to be in trouble because his dad used his full name. "I was with Mal." Jay answered without hesitation. "In her dorm room?" Beast asked and Jay nodded. "Well, its because the nightmares would taunt Mal if I didn't stay with her." "What about Carlos?" "He's uhh, well, not here at the moment." Jay said. "What about Evie?" Belle asked. "She's not here either." Jay said taking Mal's hand as he saw her shaking. "Are you okay dear?" Belle asked and Mal didn't answer.

"Please don't take it personal mom, its just her mom doing this to her." "Maleficent is awful." Belle said looking at Mal. Mal's lips were quivering and she was shaking all over. She pulled Jay aside and Beast waited until Belle and Jay were out of sight, before he shook his head quickly towards Mal when he caught Ben's eyes. Ben understood, and he went up to Mal and put his jacket around her shoulders. Some of her shaking stopped, but she felt threatened and scared. Ben couldn't tell this, and let out a cry of surprise when his jacket fell to the ground, and Mal was at the top of the tree when he looked up for her just a second later. Ben looked at his dad, and they both shrugged.

Meanwhile, Belle was questioning Jay about Mal. "Mom, I love her, I'm not just going to betray her and let her mom get to her." "I understand Jay, and I think its sweet that you care enough about her to break curfew rules, but could you keep it on the down low. It doesn't look good for the kingdom, because we decided to bring you and your sister over here." "Thanks Mom." Jay said before hugging her. Belle smiled and hugged her son. "Let's get back to your dad and brother. Now, can you tell me where my daughter is?" "As long as you swear you won't tell anyone." "I swear." "She's with Carlos in the Enchanted Forest." Jay whispered as they started walking. "What are they doing there?" "I don't want to elaborate. Long story short, Mal and I sort of, made a plan to trick them into falling back in love." "What about Chad?" "He doesn't know." "Oh Jay." Belle said sighing. Jay laughed and his mom soon joined in.

"Jay!" Ben yelled. Jay looked up to see Ben frantically waving at him. Jay got over to him and noticed Mal wasn't there. "Where's Mal?" Jay asked. "Up there." Ben said.

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