Royal Events

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Mal had finally gotten back in the swing of talking and being her before self. She was smiling again, and she was talking back to whoever spoke to her. She was placed in Royal Lessons classes, as well as Carlos. Since the public realized that Jay and Evie had no intentions of getting new girlfriends/boyfriends, Mal and Carlos were going to learn everything needed to rule as Prince/Princess. Mal loved the class, and Carlos surprisingly found himself loving it too. Evie and Jay helped teach the two of them in class, which took a lot of pressure off their teacher. During those classes, other classes were thrown in the mix such as dance classes, and cooking classes. Mal and Carlos were passing through all their classes with flying colors, that it was soon time enough to dine with all the kings, queens, princes, and princesses, at a formal dinner.

Everyone just adored Mal and Carlos, and approved of their choices. The only people that had a problem with Evie dating Carlos was Roger and Anita. Although they hadn't been invited to the dinner, they were going to meet Carlos at the next Family Day, where they were seeing all their twins, Andrew and Roberta. They didn't approve of Carlos, because they were worried about the princess's safety. Even though Audrey had accepted Mal, Snow White and her Prince accepting Evie, and Jasmine and Aladdin accepting Jay, they didn't trust Carlos. They had only found out that Carlos was Cruella De Vil's son, because their son Andrew had snapped a photo of Roberta and Carlos working together at a chemistry lab. Roberta had been laughing, and Carlos was smiling at her laugh. He was only being friendly, but Andrew and Roberta's parents warned their kids to stay away from Carlos.

Family Day came rolling around, and Mal could barely contain her excitement. She learned to accept Ben, and everyone else, even if they hated her. She was taught to not get all fired up, and let her anger show, and how to control her anger. Jay was really proud of Mal and Carlos, that they were letting this all happen, even though they had been rotten to the core for 16 years. Audrey was getting ready in her room, and Ben stopped at her door to pick her up, Jay at Mal's, and Carlos at Evie's. Carlos, Jay, and Ben were all wearing their family day outfits from Descendants.

Mal wore:

Evie wore:

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Evie wore:

Audrey wore:

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Audrey wore:

Mal, Evie, and Audrey all linked arms and were parading around the grounds, talking to everyone, laughing, and having fun

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Mal, Evie, and Audrey all linked arms and were parading around the grounds, talking to everyone, laughing, and having fun. They paused for pictures with each other, and their boyfriends. "I'm glad you three are all getting along." Ben said smiling at the three girls. All three of them grinned with teasing faces at Ben, and all six teenagers laughed. Belle and Beast suddenly came up, and Belle pulled away Evie, and Beast Carlos. "Continue on with your day. Trust us, this is for the best. Hurry, otherwise you'll be spotted." Belle said and hurried away with her daughter, her husband, and her daughter's boyfriend. "What's that all about?" Audrey asked linking arms with Mal. Ben shrugged, and he and Jay were pulled away for a team picture with the tourney team. "Croquet anyone?" Audrey asked and Mal laughed and nodded.

They started playing croquet along with a couple of their classmates, before Mal and Audrey were approached. "Grammie!" Audrey cried excitedly. She gave her grandma a hug, and saw her parents as well. "Family photo!" Mal exclaimed and Audrey and her family posed for a photo. Mal got photos, and said, "Amazing!" Audrey giggled, and she and Mal did a funny photo together. "Audrey, would you care to introduce us to your friend?" Phillip asked. "Right. Sorry. Mom, Dad, Grammie, this is one of my best friends, Mal. She's dating Prince Jay, and she's amazing at art." Audrey said throwing an arm around her best friend. Mal blushed and nodded. "I already know all of you, so no introduction is needed for me." Mal said with a big smile as she saw Jay.

Audrey's family started discussing who Mal was, and started asking questions, but Mal and Audrey were too busy watching their boyfriends. Audrey burst out laughing as Ben almost wiped out on the ground from swinging too hard with his croquet mallet. Jay waved at them, and he almost got knocked over by Ben falling into him. Mal and Audrey started laughing together, and Jay cocked his head to one side as he helped Ben stand up. Mal side glanced at Audrey, and took hold of her choker. Audrey nodded vigerously. Mal grinned, and slowly slid her choker off. Jay and Ben watched, and Audrey and Mal winked at the two boys. Mal curled her choker into a ball, and she launched it at the two boys. The two girls laughed together, as the boys dove for it, having a fake fight over it. "Who are your parents again?" Aurora asked Mal. "I don't know who my dad is, but my mom, is someone you all are too familiar with." Mal hinted, while Audrey linked hands with Mal as Jay and Ben started over to them.

They smirked at each other, and it clicked as Jay and Ben walked over, and greeted their girlfriends. Ben greeted Audrey by her nickname, Barbie, and Jay greeted Mal by her nickname, Dragon. As soon as Jay kissed Mal's cheek, Audrey's family gasped, realizing who she was. "You're Maleficent!" Phillip yelled and Mal took a step back. "No I'm not. My mother's the worst thing in the planet." Mal said and Jay took her other hand. "Maleficent is your mother?" "Shh! She'll hear you!" Mal hissed frantically glancing at the sky, and then at the Isle of the Lost. "What do you mean by she'll hear us?" Queen Leah demanded at Mal. "If my mom hears you, she'll come after you. It's that creepy fairy thing she does when she's coming after me." Mal said and shuddered.

"Relax, she won't be able to get you here." Ben told Mal as he saw her tense figure. "That's what everyone thinks, but my mother can't, and won't be defeated by the Isle. Don't you remember when she sent us on the quest to get her staff? She almost broke free after Diablo delivered her staff. She was so angry at me." Mal said losing herself in a trance. She heard Audrey screaming her name, as everything went dark.

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