Mal's Secret

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As the days went on, Mal continued to get raped by Chad. Chad kept putting the words into Mal's head that Jay didn't care about her, or Evie, or Carlos. She isolated herself from the world, and Jay immediately knew something was off. Carlos knew it too, as well as Evie. "We need to confront her. Something's really bothering her, but every time I ask her, she doesn't answer, and just moves on with doing whatever she's doing." Jay said.

Mal had hated keeping her secret from her three best friends, but Chad threatened her, and then, he finally got into her head after enough times, and she started believing everything he told her. She was afraid of him, and whenever he approached her, she would flinch, and try to run away. He wouldn't let her, and then Mal would be even more scared of him. Mal didn't even tell Audrey, even after Mal found out that Chad had gotten Audrey pregnant, and then taken pills to make the baby go away, painless and quickly.

Jay would always try to break the ice, but she wouldn't pay attention to him. She's drone him out, knowing that he didn't care about her, and was just pretending to love her, so all the girls at school would keep away from him. On night about 3 months later, Chad was drunk, and mad at the world. When he got Mal cornered and alone, he didn't use protection, and that made Mal even more in pain and scarred. When Mal found out she was pregnant, she became filled with anxiety. She got panicked, and she knew she had to get rid of the evidence, so Chad wouldn't hurt her. She threw away the pregnancy test she had taken, and then slipped out of her dorm, to the Enchanted Lake. Mal didn't know, that Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Ben were all stationed in different spots, keeping an eye on her. They four of them followed her all the way to the Enchanted Lake, and they watched her, confused, as she started hitting, kicking, and punching the giant stone beam on the cement platform. Mal sunk against the beam, with tears pouring down her face.

She caught sight of the water, and she slowly pushed herself up to a standing position. She yelled into the trees, "WHY WAS IT ME?" before she took a deep breath, and then jumped into the water. All four of her peers eyes widened, and they rushed forward to get her out of the lake. Mal was pulled out of the water, and she was sobbing when the four of them sat around her as she curled up into a ball. "Mal?" Jay asked. Mal didn't answer and she stood up to run, but Jay pulled her down. "Mal, tell us, what's wrong?" Carlos whimpered and Mal looked at him, then Evie, then Ben, and then Jay before breaking down again. She shook her head to clear her head, but she couldn't stop all the feelings from happening. She opened her mouth slightly, and then muttered the word, "Chad." As quiet as she could, and then started sobbing again. Ben sucked in a breath, knowing what she was talking about. It clicked for all four of them. Mal had made plans to stay with Audrey for the night, and Audrey had just lied to them, telling them Mal had stayed in her room.

"Mal? What did Chad do to you?" Evie asked and Mal didn't answer. Jay put his arms around her waist, and pulled her up so she was sitting on his lap. She curled up into his chest, as he hugged her to him. "He got me." She whimpered to him, and Jay stroked her hair, as she slowly told her entire story. She told them from the beginning to end what had happened, and how she had found out this morning, that she was pregnant from him. "Mal, why didn't you come to us sooner?" Evie asked her best friend. "Because he did this to me, because of you!" Mal exclaimed before letting out another cry and burying her face against Jay's chest.

"What?" Evie asked as Carlos took her hand. They had quickly started dating again, after she had announced that she and Chad had split up. "He did this to me, because he wanted revenge on you for breaking up with him for Carlos." Mal said shaking. Jay kissed her forehead, and cradled her. Mal didn't ever want to let go, and Ben was fuming. "I can't believe him! That little-" Ben didn't finish his sentence, due to Evie giving him a look. "He did this to you, because of me?" Evie asked, her voice cracking on the last word. Mal nodded, and Evie almost broke out crying herself, knowing that she caused her best friend to get raped and pregnant.

"Mal, I'm so sorry." Evie said. Mal didn't say anything, as she clutched Jay. "I think, something is in store, for our young friend Chad Charming." Ben said. Jay stood up, and the five of them went back to Auradon Prep. They went to Belle and Beast's office, where Ben had also called Fairy Godmother and Luminere to besides his parents. Jay sat down on the couch in the corner with Mal and Carlos, while Evie and Ben sat across from their parents and Fairy Godmother, while Luminere stood at Beast's side. "There's something that needs to be taken care of, and I can't do it myself, since I'm not officially King of Auradon until next week." Ben said. Evie nodded, and Ben told them what Chad had done once to Audrey, and multiple times to Mal. "Why didn't she come forward?" Belle asked looking worriedly at Mal in the corner. "She was threatened by Chad Mom. She was scared, and she didn't know what to do." Ben explained. "He told Mal, that he was only doing this to her, to hurt me, since I broke up with him." Evie said painfully. Ben squeezed her hand, and Evie gave him a weak smile.

"What should we do about him?" Fairy Godmother asked with anger. "Expel him from school, and we'll get his parents down here, to discuss why he'll be going to jail for assaulting a minor." Beast said with rage. "What this man has done, is sick, disgusting, and a down right outrage!" Beast shouted and everyone in the room agreed, before calling Cinderella and Prince Charming down to Auradon Prep.

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