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Evie still couldn't believe that she had lied to her boyfriend. "Could you remind me to smack Jay later?" Evie asked Chad. Chad nodded and asked, "Sure. Why?" "For wandering into the woods without me. That's how I ended up finding Carlos when I was scared and alone." Evie said with an added shiver for affect. Chad nodded, 'believing' his girlfriend. "Where is Carlos now anyways?" Chad asked. ""When Jay and I left, he and Mal were sound asleep." Evie told him. "Where?" "the Enchanted Forest." "On the ground?" "No. The cabin that was built for me and my brothers to hang out and get away to whenever." Evie said before Chad nodded. The couple went over to the dining area, and sat down at their table with their food.

Evie realized that her makeup was smudged, and she told Chad she was just going to go fix it in the bathroom. Evie left her purse behind in her wake, and Chad waited until she was completely gone before carefully zipping open her purse, and looking around it. He didn't find anything, not a strand of Carlos's hair, or a picture of Carlos shirtless. What he did find, was her phone. Chad was still convinced that Evie had slept with Carlos, and he was determined to find out if what Evie had told him was the truth. He took her phone out of her purse, and he opened up the lock screen. The lock screen required a password, and Chad easily entered it by typing in her favorite number, 101, which stood for the time that she fell for him. But what Chad didn't know, wouldn't hurt him. Right? Chad couldn't have been more WRONG!

Chad opened checked all of her apps before checking her text messages. All he found was a conversation between her and Mal that had taken place the night before. Evie, where are you and Carlos?  Mal had asked. We're in the cabin in the Enchanted Forest. Carlos, poor little guy, fell out of a tree and got cut up. He just fell asleep after I put some of my special healing medicine on his back. Evie had texted Mal and they hadn't texted anything to each other since. Chad exited her text messages and opened her camera roll. He clicked on the first photo, and it was a picture of Mal and Carlos asleep on a huge white bed, that was from earlier that day. Chad went through all her pictures, and found nothing with Carlos in it. When he reached the end of the camera roll, he thought all the photos were over, but a lock screen popped up requiring a word password. Chad tried everything he could think of, and he finally decided to try Carlos's name, and it unlocked, revealing another lock screen. Chad pondered what to type for the next password, and he settled on Carlos's middle name that Evie had told him, Oscar.

That lock screen opened to show yet another lock screen. Chad typed in Carlos's last name, and he was kind of peeved that Evie had made his name her three lock screens passwords. When the third lock screen opened, it went to a screen that was shown with several digital photo albums. They were labeled Mal, Jay, Carlos, Me, Jay&Mal, Carlos&Me, All Four Of Us, Mal&Carlos, Me&Jay, Carlos&Jay, and Me&Mal.

Chad opened the first few folders, and found nothing. When he opened the folder of Carlos and Evie, he found one picture that made him rethink his opinion of Carlos. It was of Carlos and Evie, and Evie was on Carlos's back, with her arms wrapped around his neck with a smile on her face. Carlos had a big smile on his face too. In the next photo, they were sitting on a wall, and when Chad zoomed it, he almost snapped Evie's phone in half, it was of them, with Carlos cradling Evie against his chest, while kissing her. It made him so mad, but he continued on. When he had collected enough evidence, he sent the photos to his phone, and then saved them off his phone, and then deleted the text messaging. The next album he checked was of Mal and Carlos, and he found quite a few questionable pictures of Carlos and Mal together.

In some photos Carlos was holding Mal while the trees were clearly blowing VERY forcefully. She looked scared, but they were both laughing. Another photo showed Carlos and Mal cuddled up together on a bed next to Jay while watching something out a huge window. The last questionable picture showed Mal and Carlos on a beach overlook, where Mal leaned into Carlos, and rested her head on his shoulder, and he put his head on top of hers. Chad saved all the pictures to his phone, and locked all the lock screens up again and returned Evie's phone to her purse as she was coming back into the dining area. Chad hoped he wasn't caught, and to his relief, he wasn't. "Evie, I wanted to ask you something." Chad said as Evie said down. "Sure. What is it?" Evie asked. "Why is your password onto your phone the number 101, and not something like 1 for the only one that tops this world?" Chad asked. Evie smiled and shrugged. "Actually, I was wondering if it had anything to do with Carlos. You know, with his mom being Cruella De Vil, and stealing 101 Dalmations."

Evie's face turned sour as Chad said that, and he knew something was up. "You know Chad, actually, I was thinking the same thing." "What?" Chad asked. "That we should break up. I don't think I feel a spark in this relationship anymore." Evie said before getting up, slinging her purse over her shoulder, and walking off.

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