Getting Her Awake

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Mal was being dragged through her past. She couldn't see anyone standing around her as she fell to the ground. Jay slowed her fall, and he kept his arms wrapped around her small frame as he gently rested her against his legs on the ground. "What happened to her?" Audrey asked Jay kneeling on the ground next to Jay. "Bringing up her stupid mom does that. It sends her back in a trance if she gets scared enough. Ben, please go find Carlos, quickly." Jay said and Ben nodded before going to find Carlos.

Mal's mom appeared in her vision, and started dragging Mal through everything that had happened in her 16 years of living. Mal had to relive all the abuse again in one sitting, and her body was shaking all over, and Mal had her arms thrown above her face as if protecting it. "What's happening?" Aurora asked. "She's going through all the torture she was put through in 16 years of living on the Isle of the lost. If there was a way I knew of to wake her up, I would've done it. I wasn't with her on the Isle of the Lost for 3 years, and apparently it happened in that 3 years more than ever. Carlos has become a brother figure in Mal's life, and Mal a sister to Carlos, and he knows almost everything about her. I asked Ben to go get Carlos, because he knows how to get her out of it.

By that time, Carlos, Evie, and Ben were all walking as fast as they could back to the little circling group. Roger and Anita, and their twins, Andrew and Roberta, were circled around Mal too, offering help. "What happened?" Carlos asked Ben as Evie grabbed his hand out of fear. "She just collapsed on the ground, and Jay said it was something to do with if she got too scared of her mom." Ben said. "Something along those lines." Ben added, and Carlos gasped. "Oh no! Where is she?" Carlos asked. "What's wrong?" Evie asked. "If we don't wake her up soon enough, the darkness will consume her, and kill her inside out." Carlos said shivering. "She's over there Carlos." Ben said pointing at the little group. "Thanks Ben!" Carlos said before he started running towards the circle group.

Roger and Anita saw Carlos pushing towards the front of the circle, saying things like excuse me, and please excuse me. The princess followed him, and together the broke the edge of the circle to be next to Audrey and Jay. Carlos dropped to his knees, and Jay filled him in on what had happened. Carlos nodded, and Evie looked into the eyes of her boyfriend. "I know how to get her out of it, but it won't be pretty for these Auradon eyes." Carlos said. "They'll think its vicious and cruel of me to do it, but if Mal doesn't get out of the darkness soon, it'll consume her, and kill her." Carlos looked down at Mal's writhing body, and he knew it pained him to see his best friend and little sister collapsed on the ground.

"Would you want them gone to do this?" Jay asked Carlos. "As long as you can keep them from attacking me, and sending me back to the Isle." "I can handle the attack part. No one lays their hands on the Princess." Evie said positioning herself in front of her boyfriend. "Okay. Here goes nothing." Carlos said. He took hold of Mal's shoulders, and asked Audrey and Jay to scoot back a few feet. Once they did, Carlos started shaking Mal quickly, and the people of Auradon gasped at his behavior. Carlos shook her hard enough that, her eyes opened, and she convulsed. A black liquid poured out of her mouth, emptying from her lungs. Carlos pulled Mal away from the thick, dark, liquid, and hugged her. Evie, Audrey, and Jay joined the hug around Mal, and she looked like she was going to cry.

"What is that black liquid?" Queen Leah asked in disgust. "That, is called Darkness. It was starting to infiltrate Mal's lungs, and slowly kill her." Carlos said. Mal curled up on Jay's lap and tried to hide in his leather jacket. Mal shuddered, and everyone started asking if she was alright. Mal nodded, and said, "I am now. How'd I get out of it?" Mal asked quietly. "The same way you've always gotten out of it. Carlos." Jay told her, and Mal nodded. Carlos was about to reach out to Mal again, but he was pulled up by his collar. "What kind of behavior was that young man?!" Roger demanded of him. "May I ask who you are, and why you are going to pull the collar off my shirt?" Carlos asked. "I think you know why I'm holding your collar. Attacking a girl like that is unacceptable! Also, hasn't your mother told you about us?" "How should I know? My mother was rotten, and liked to beat on me for fun, what does that tell you?" Carlos asked. Mal was watching Carlos with fear in her eyes.

"I'm Roger, and this is my wife Anita." Roger said glaring at Carlos. "Oh. You're the people she conned, I get it now." Carlos said with a smirk at Mal. Mal's frown disappeared for a bit, but it was soon replaced with worry as Roger tightened his grip on Carlos. "Why were you violently shaking the Prince's girlfriend? Behavior like that could get you sent to prison!" Roger shouted. "She was going to die if I didn't!" "That doesn't provide an excuse to do so!" Roger yelled. "What if it was your kid? What if it was Roberta? What if she was going to die of the same way? Would you rather let her die, or be violently shaken so she wouldn't die?" Carlos asked. "I should turn you over to the authorities for this! I knew it was a bad idea that you were brought over here! Cruella has done nothing but teach this boy evil! You're just as bad as her!" Roger yelled, and Mal found her way off of Jay's lap, and she ran over to Roger and Carlos. "Let him go!" Mal said standing in front of Carlos.

Roger turned to Mal, and Carlos was thankful that Mal hadn't lost her confidence. "Let. Him. Go!" Mal said pushing on Roger's grip. Roger was so surprised by the girl's strength that his grip loosened on Carlos, just enough for Mal to notice and push his arm with more force. She got Carlos loose, and she backed up against him as Roger and Prince Phillip came up. Mal's bravery didn't waver as she stood her ground in front of Carlos. "Don't I get a say in it, if my best friend and brother gets thrown in jail for saving my life?" Mal asked. Jay and Evie both stood up, and slowly made their way to Carlos and Mal. "No. I appreciate the thought, but this time we stand alone." Mal said to Jay and Evie. Jay and Evie nodded, and Evie gripped Jay's wrist as she watched the smaller kids fight for their rights.

"Excuse Prince Phillip, but may I ask you this. What if Audrey was going to die, and the only way to save her, was to hook her up to a fibrillator. If there was a chance to save her, you'd take it. Wouldn't you?" Mal asked and Phillip nodded. "Roger, would you do anything to save your kids from death if you could?" And Roger nodded. "Carlos and I don't have parents who care about us. Everyone here is lucky to have two parents, a nice warm house, and no scars that were caused on purpose. Everyone is happy here, and that's what sucks for us. Evie and Jay escaped it, and they don't have trouble doing the things Carlos and I do. They don't have trouble sleeping, they don't have trouble with trusting people, and most of all, they don't have trouble being happy. Do you know, what it's like to live on the Isle of the lost?" Mal asked. She saw everyone shaking their heads, so she continued.

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