What the hell is going on with you flea?

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Shizuo looked down at the raven, noticing that his eyes were starting to open.

The first thing that Izaya did was look around with confusion. It was the first time that Shizuo has ever seen that expression on him.

All this uncertainty was beginning to piss the blonde off.

"Oi, what the hell is going on with you flea?" This caused the raven to look up with a slight glare on his face.

"Whatever do you mean, Shizu-chan~?" The raven replied. He knew exactly what was wrong with him. He was sick.


The worst part about all this, was the fact that this round of sickness was just starting, and how things were only gonna get worse.

Although, Shizu-chan doesn't need to know that, now did he?

"You know damn well what I mean. When you passed out in front of me, I didn't know what to do because I've never caught you before! You have always been able to weasel out of the way like the damn rat you are. So what was different that time?! Hell, when I brought you to Shinra, he had a look on his face like he understood exactly what was wrong with you, but he didn't tell me A SINGLE DAMN THING!!!"

Izaya simply looked up with a slightly surprised expression on his face, and he said the one thing that really stuck out to him, even if he knew that it would just piss the blonde off more.

"Ne, Shizu-chan was the one to bring me to get help?"

Aaaand cue the angry vein popping on Shizuo's forehead.

The blonde bodyguard grabbed Izaya by the front of his jacket, hauling him up off the ground and bringing them face to face. All the while to seemingly forget about the raven's injuries at the moment.


The blonde was beyond pissed-

"Ne, when I asked Shinra who was it that helped me, he just said that I seemed to have a knight in shining armor. How could he have mistaken a monster for a knight? Maybe he should get better glasses. Ne, Shizu-chan~?"

-and the raven wasn't making matters any better.

The blonde raised his free arm back, ready to punch the louse in the face. He either didn't remember his injuries, or was just too angry to care.

Right when he was about to bring his fist down to the informant's face, something stringy and black stopped his hand from moving.

I do not own Durarara!! or any images used.

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