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'Right now, I'm just going to let my body do what it wants.'

Izaya had slowly, but surely, started to kiss back, much to the relief of the blonde, who was afraid that he had royally fucked up.

Shizuo wrapped his hands onto the raven's waist, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened. At first, the kiss was hesitant and unsure, but now it had become fast-paced and heated.

Izaya put his hands onto the back of Shizuo's head, pulling him closer too. Now that he had let go of his doubts as to whether or not this was a good idea, he was giving this his all.

The same could be said for Shizuo.

The blonde then picked up the other, and began walking towards the bedroom. At first, Izaya was a little surprised to be suddenly picked up and carried, but he immediately felt ridiculous, since he knew better than anyone that Shizuo was strong.

Strong huh? I wonder how sore I'll be tomorrow then.

Izaya felt giddy, along with a rush of excitement.

The two eventually reached the bedroom. When they entered, Shizuo had kicked the door shut, not once letting up on his grip on the raven.

Shizuo let the informant down on the bed, laying him on his back, before climbing on top of him, continuing another make out, which the raven immediately returned.

The blonde stopped the kiss, but only to pull off his shirt. He then reached down to pull up the raven's, only to see that Izaya had already gotten it halfway off.

Shizuo had no problem helping out though.

The raven felt like it was high time he took charge now. Izaya slightly pushed at the blonde's shoulders, making him back off in confusion, which quickly turned into something else entirely when Izaya climbed on top of him. The info broker had both his legs on either side of the blonde, not quite unlike he was earlier.

Izaya began kissing him again, adding his tongue.

This went on for a bit, the two battling for dominance, before the blonde eventually pushed him back down. He then preceded to take off both his and Izaya's clothes, which were really just their pants and boxers at this point.

Shizuo was about to enter him, but Izaya stopped him.

"Huh? What is it Izaya?" Shizuo said, confused.

"Don't you think this position is wrong?" Izaya questioned.

"Um..No?" Shizuo answered, confused.

"Don't you think I should top?"

"Absolutely not." Shizuo responded instantly, to Izaya's great displeasure.

"Fine then, do you have any lube?" Izaya asked, letting out a huff.

"Um.....I do....have that...." The raven raised an eyebrow at the blonde's reaction to the question, which didn't go unnoticed by the debt collector.

"From earlier, when I went to get you food. That girl gave me it, but I didn't realize what it was until I got back." Shizuo mumbled, embarrassed.

Izaya burst out laughing, since he had a pretty good idea as to who 'that girl' was.

Just the thought of his Shizu-chan walking around the city with a bottle of lube in his hand, blind to all the looks thrown his way, brought the informant to tears.

".....If you can have such a good time laughing like that, then I guess you don't need me then." Shizuo said, gritting his teeth.

Izaya's laughter stopped instantly.

"Don't you fucking dare stop, Shizu-chan." The response he got brought a smile to the blonde's face.

Shizuo eventually got back to what he was doing, now using the lube, and began getting the raven ready. When he was done, he slowly started pushing his member in, careful with his strength.

"Ah....faster....Shizu-chan.." The raven got out.

Shizuo happily obliged.

The room began to fill with sounds of skin slapping against each other, along with loud pants and moans.

"Ah! More, Shizu-chan!"


The blonde spilled into the raven with a loud cry. The raven also having his own release. The both of them lay there, panting from exertion.

"That......was....." Shizuo panted out.

"....Perfect?" Izaya finished for him.

"Yeah....perfect." Shizuo concluded, never having felt so relaxed before.

The blonde pulled the raven into his arms, nuzzling his face into his black locks before passing out. Izaya, after letting out a contented sigh, followed suit in sleeping in the other's arms.


I do not own Durarara!! or any images used.

This was my first time writing a lemon, I know it's not really all....sorry about that.....please don't judge too harshly. 0_0

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