The fake

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"So where to now?" Shizuo asked, following the raven through the streets of Ikebukuro.

"Only a few blocks more and we will be there." Izaya answered, looking straight ahead with a serious look settled on his face.

"....But what exactly are we doing?" Shizuo asked with a little bit of frustration in his voice.

"We, Shizu-chan, are about to interrogate Kana Osamu." Izaya said simply.

"......You mean....the guy that has caused all of this?" Shizuo once again questioned.

"Nope." Izaya answered, popping the 'p' at the end of the word.

But this only added more confusion to the blonde.

"I...I don't understand." Shizuo said, frowning at the other man.

"The one that we are going to be interrogating is a fake Kana Osamu. Since he has people out there that looks exactly like him, the only way that we are going to be able to find him at this rate is to interrogate one of his henchmen. Normally I wouldn't want to do this in such a way like this, but I don't exactly have many options as of right now." Izaya explained.

"Oh...I guess that makes since then." Shizuo said thoughtfully.


Knock knock.


A man, sitting alone in the living room of the apartment he had been living at, suddenly looked up at his door in confusion.

Who the hell could that be?

The man got up, walked over the the door, opened it just a crack, and spoke out to whoever was on the other side.

"Yeah? What do you wa-oof!"

What the man wasn't expecting was for the door to come completely off it's hinges, and slam him to the ground.


Shizuo threw the door somewhere to his left, he didn't really care enough to know exactly where.

"NO!!! You bastard!!!" Came a scream from the man, much to the surprise of both Shizuo and Izaya. The blonde looked over to where he threw the door, to see that it was crashed into an obviously highly priced flat screen TV.

Not that Shizuo really cared.

Oh well.

The blonde marched over to where the man was laying on the ground.

Now that he was up close to the man, he could finally see at least what the main guy that they were after actually looked like. He didn't know before because he actually forgot to ask Izaya what he looked like, since he was too busy trying to get the raven to sleep.

The man had short black hair, and everything about the man looked average, except for a few specific facial features.

The man had black bushy eyebrows, pale white skin, dark blue eyes that were probably just specific colored contact lenses, what looked to be not a single hair on his upper lip, and yet had a long goatee that was dyed a bright green.

Seriously....what the hell is with all the colors?

And to make all these people look like him...I almost feel bad for them.


Shizuo reached down and grabbed the man up, and begun shaking him in the air.

"Woah, woah man! Cut it out!!" The man screamed.

"Shizu-chan, that's enough." The raven said quietly.

This made Shizuo stop shaking the man around like a rag doll, but he continued to keep his hold on him, keeping him in the air. Izaya walked up beside him, and looked up impassively at the man.

"What do you know of Kana Osamu?" Izaya questioned the man.

The man's eyes lit up in understanding as to what was happening to him. Then he realized just what exactly he heard what the raven called the blonde from before.

Shizu-chan? Isn't that what that informant always calls the fortissimo of Ikebukuro? Then....does that mean....

The man's fear tripled.

"I....I...." The man choked out.

"Listen to me, tell me what you know about Kana Osamu." Izaya stated sternly, now glaring at the man.

"I...he...he just came u-up to me one d-day. Said that if I a-agreed, that I would get a shit-ton of money. If I-I agreed to certain things. To make myself look like him. Then he b-bought me this place, and is letting me live here. I haven't seen o-or heard of him since then, I swear!" The man stuttered out, fear coating his voice with him not even attempting to hide it, since he was too occupied with trying to get out of this with all his bones intact.

Izaya let out a sigh.

It was clear that this man wasn't lying.

He would sell out Kana in a heartbeat.

And Kana knew that too.

Which was why he didn't give out any kind of information to be used against him in the first place.

I'm betting that he even made sure he was untraceable when it came to paying for this place too. Izaya thought.

"Come on, Shizu-chan, there's nothing here for us." Izaya stated, walking out the area where the door used to be.

After a second or two, the blonde followed, leaving the man to fall in a heap.

One the two were gone, the man let out a relieved sigh.

Then he glanced over to his TV once more. TV.....


I do not own Durarara!! or any images used.

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