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The day has finally come.

Both Izaya and Shizuo left the raven's apartment the next day, heading to the hotel that Kana was staying at.

Izaya made sure to bring his knives with him in case his try at blackmailing the man failed.

Hell, even if knew he would successfully blackmail him, he would still have brought his knives anyway.

The night before, the two had gone over their plan a few more times, going through every possibility and looking at every option.

After a few hours, Izaya eventually had it all scheduled out. He knew where the people that work at the hotel would be, and when they would be there. He knew where every camera was, and where they were pointed.

He has also studied Kana's schedule, knowing when and when he wouldn't be in his room.

But there was always a possibility of failure, no matter how prepared they could be, especially with someone this smart.

Izaya has told Shizuo how he just knew that Kana would have a back up plan for if they came to him.

"How can you be so sure?" Shizuo had asked.

"I'm sure of this because I know that he wouldn't have gotten as far as he has without being careful. I can guarantee you that he would think that we would come for him. He'd be an idiot to not plan for that. There's only one problem with that though, I don't know what he has planned for our little arrival." Izaya answered.

Shizuo had more questions, but he knew that Izaya knew what he was talking about, far more than Shizuo himself.


"Here we are." Izaya said suddenly.

The two have been walking for a while, making their way to their enemy.

They arrived at the large building with Izaya's announcement.

"Follow me." Izaya said, looking back at the blonde before making his way to the back of the building.

"Sit with me and act natural." Izaya said under his breath, quiet enough that Shizuo could barely hear him, before looking at the time on his phone and then sitting down on a bench, a bit far from the door that leads into the back of the building.

For a second, Shizuo was confused before he remembered their talk the night before when they were planning out the details.

"We have to enter at a certain time." Izaya said.

"Why?" Shizuo asked.

"It's because we need to enter when the staff are changing shifts on camera duty. Our best bet at getting in undetected would be when they are changing. That way, they won't be able to let Kana know that we have arrived since they wouldn't know that we were there to begin with. I have their schedule, so it should be easy." Izaya explained.

Shizuo glanced around slightly from his spot on the bench, before spotting the camera that was mounted above the door. It was pointed in the complete opposite way from where Izaya picked to sit. He knew that it was intentional.

The two waited for about ten more minutes before Izaya looked at the time once more and suddenly grabbed Shizuo's hand, pulling him up, and quickly running over to the door.

He opened it and the two swiftly entered the building.


I do not own Durarara!! or any images used.

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