Russia Sushi

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Simon has seen many things. Although there are a lot of things that he would think that he would never see.

Izaya Orihara and Shizuo Heiwajima walking into his restaurant without fighting was one of those things, and all the citizens around seemed to think the same thing.

The duo sat down at a booth in the back like this was an everyday kind of thing.

The two ordered, and Dennis begin cooking their meals. Both Simon and Dennis exchanged wary and confused glances.

"Here you go." The Russian said as he handed out the food.

"Thanks Simon." Was Shizuo's reply. But the taller man didn't pay any mind to it. Instead, he begun speaking to Izaya in Russian, leaving the blonde with no clue what was being said. Whatever it was though, by Simon's expression, it seemed serious. Shizuo glanced to see what kind of expression the flea was wearing, only to see him smirking.

Why would I ever to think that he would be wearing a serious expression right now? That louse is never serious. I bet that even if he had a gun pointed at his head, he would still be able to laugh his ass off.

...Actually...I think that I have actually seen that happen before.

Shizuo was snapped out of his thoughts when Simon clasped his hand onto the blonde shoulder. Said blonde noticed that the Russian had both a doubtful yet hopeful look in his eyes.

"Is what Izaya said true? You both take break from fighting?"

When the debt collector simply nodded, the sushi restaurant owner gained a large smile.

"This good. This very good. No more fighting, eat sushi instead!"


The day ended with Shizuo and Izaya walking home. Shizuo carrying a box full of ootoro, which the raven wanted to take with them, since he thought that the flea might pass out and couldn't carry it himself.

Maybe bringing the flea out wasn't such a good idea. He looks looks like he might keel over any second now.

"You do know that you are going to plug my computer and stuff back up when we get home, right?" The raven asked suddenly, catching the blonde off guard.

"Uh, sure. I guess."


The info broker was beyond irritated. He was so used to the debt collector snapping at every little thing he did, but now he is just standing there, not even getting angry at all? He even ordered him around with no resistance whatsoever just now!

"I shouldn't have ever believed that a monster like you would understand how important my job is to me. After all, how many jobs have you lost exactly? So careless~"

The informant could clearly see how the blonde's eyebrow twitched with irritation.

"Shut it already, flea."

But Izaya wasn't done just yet.

"It's pretty pathetic if you ask me. You destroy everything you touch. You can't even get close to others without worrying about killing them. Ha! If that's not pathetic, then I don't know what-"

"You don't really have the right to call me pathetic when I saw you crying your eyes out last night."

Izaya froze.


"...Excuse me?" The raven asked, quietly.

"You heard me. Last night I woke up to you whimpering and crying like a fucking baby. And yet, you have the gall to call me pathetic? That's-"

Izaya didn't hesitate not a second longer to bring out his arm, switchblade in hand, aiming straight for Shizuo's face. Although, with him being sick, his actions were much slower, which gave the blonde time to try and move out of the way.

But not enough time, it seems.

Blood started pooling down onto the ground from the gash on Shizuo's cheek.

For a moment, everything was silent.

"...Fuck this."

Shizuo shoved the bag into the raven's arms.

"I'm going home." With that, the blonde turned, and left. Leaving Izaya huffing for breath, in the middle of a sidewalk.

Damn him.

The informant begin walking in the opposite direction the blonde went, and started heading for his apartment.

That damn protozoan!!! Damn him to hell! He was the one decided that he was going to 'take care if me'. Damn him, damn him, damn hi-

The raven was broken out of his internal rant when he felt himself being pulled back, forcing him to drop his bag of food, and having a cloth covering his mouth and nose.

He immediately stopped breathing to avoid taking in the chloroform that was sure to be on the cloth. After all, this isn't the first time something like this has happened to the info broker. He tried fighting back, but was too weak to do anything at the moment. He brought out his switchblade, only for the hand holding it to be bashed into the wall of the alleyway, making him drop his weapon from the pain. His eyes darted around, but he could not spot anyone else that could help him. In his anger earlier, he just wanted to get home, so he took shortcuts through the alleyways, completely forgetting how dangerous it was to do so in his condition.

He had to finally take in a deep gulp of air through the cloth when he couldn't hold his breath anything longer.

His eyesight started to blur, and a deep chuckle over his shoulder was the last thing he heard before everything went to black once more.


I do not own Durarara!!or any images used.

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