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The blonde was at a loss at what he was looking at right now.

There Izaya was, tied to a chair, with his head down. But that wasn't what first froze Shizuo. What froze him was the blood.

There was so much damn blood.

Not only that, but all the injuries he had. It made Shizuo want to throw up.

Even with Izaya's arms tied behind his back, Shizuo could see that his left arm must be broken with the way it was bent like that.

He had blood dripping on the ground from his head. Shizuo's eyes landed on the knife that was buried into his right leg. There were numerous slashes all over his body, bleeding him out.

When he got closer, he saw his face. Shizuo felt numb. It was like his body was dumped in ice water, and was unable to move.

His mouth is stitched shut.

Shizuo felt a fury that he had never felt before, even with his fights against the raven. He couldn't take his eyes away from the stitching.

A baseball bat to the face seemed to be what was needed to snap him out of his daze.

Shizuo felt like he could finally move again. Actually, his whole body became super aware of this situation. He could feel everything from the blood now running down his face, to his breaths, to even hearing his heartbeat in his ears.

And havoc was wrecked, he started kicking, punching, and throwing people left and right, starting with the dumbass who thought it was a good idea to swing a baseball bat at the fortissimo of Ikebukuro. Before he knew it, everyone was down for the count. Even though he was coming back to himself, he still had to keep from continuing his onslaught with people who weren't even conscious.

He had a certain info broker he needed to take care of.

He walked over to the unconscious body that was tied to the chair, and tore the ropes that were holding him apart. He picked the raven up gently, all the while being sure that he was being careful with the flea's injuries, and then made his way to a certain underground doctor.


I do not own Durarara!! or any images used.

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