Get back in bed, stupid flea!!!

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Damnit, this hurts!

Even though walking around for Izaya was painful, it didn't stop him from doing it. Sure, walking around the streets to do work was not a good idea, at least not alone, but that wasn't going to stop him from doing work period.

The informant slowly made his way over to his chair, and sat down in front of his computer. He begin working on a job that was given to him by Shiki, who was involved very greatly with Yakuza.

He worked for a few hours, despite being tired and feeling like crap, until he heard a loud bang and a yell, directed towards him.

"JUST WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!?! HUH, FLEA?!??! GET YOUR ASS BACK IN BED!!!" And there stood a very pissed Shizuo, in it's not so natural habitat.

Each word that was yelled, sent a sharp pain through the raven's brain. Izaya made sure that he kept his face neutral. He did not want the brute to see any kind of weakness in him. It was bad enough that he knew how he would be weak when he was sick. That didn't mean he had to see it though.

Oh, if only Izaya knew of the events that took place the night before.

"Shizu-chan, me being a little sick and staying in bed all day, is not going to help me do my job, you know. Besides, I'm almost done anywa-" The info broker was cut off when the blonde walked over and picked the computer up, wires and all, and brought them over to the couch in the next room over.

"Too bad." The blonde said blatantly.


How dare he....!?

To say that Izaya was angry would be an understatement.

He was livid.

This was exactly one of the main reasons he hated the brute so much. It was because he was never in control when it cake to the blonde. And that pissed the raven off greatly, since he was used to always being in control.

"Stupid Shizu-chan. If I choose to do my work, then I don't really see how that should concern a monster like you in any way. And do you honestly think that me being in bed is just going to make me feel instantly better? Ha! What am I talking about? Of course, a stupid beast as yourself would believe something as idiotic as that! I bet you even-"


Izaya froze when his TV remote came flying through the air, burying itself into the wall, only inches from his head.

"Just shut the fuck up already!!!" Came the reply from the blonde. The debt collector let out a deep and agitated sigh before he left the room. A few minutes later, he came back and tossed the flea his jacket.

"Get ready to go then, if you going to be so damn persistent about being okay."

"And just where are we going?" The raven asked, voice laced with irritation.

"I don't know about you, but I could go for some sushi right about now."


I do not own Durarara!! or any images used.

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