Did something happen?

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"Just do it already, Shizu-chan!"

"I said no, dammit!"

"Please, Shizu-chan?"

"What part of 'no' do you not fucking understand?!"

As of right now, Shizuo and Izaya were both at an impasse. Izaya wanted Shizuo to go down to Russia Sushi and bring him back some ootoro. Shizuo was against the idea, and wanted the raven to stay indoors since the last attack wasn't too long ago. He also didn't want to leave the flea alone in case something happened while he was gone. Izaya wasn't too hurt, but he did lose a lot of blood, and was unconscious for a few days because of it. With the raven not being in top condition, Shizuo didn't feel comfortable risking it.

Izaya wasn't usually this stubborn about something, but the fact that he hasn't had his favorite food in so long was tearing him apart.

In the end, Izaya eventually got his way. Which meant that Shizuo had to go out at nearly midnight just to get him his favorite food.

I kinda feel bad now. I didn't think that Shizu-chan would actually budge. Why did he decide to do it?

...Probably to get me to shut up and stop annoying him I bet...



...Why does that make me feel disappointed?


Whatever. It doesn't matter.

With that, Izaya laid down onto his couch, waiting for the blonde to come back.


About an hour has passed, and Izaya was starting to get worried.

It should have only taken him about 25 minutes for crying out loud! Did something happen?

When there was a knock on the door, Izaya sprung up and marched over to the door, ready to give an earful to the blonde on the other side.

Except, the one on the other side didn't have blonde hair.

Izaya barely dodged the punch that came at him from the man, and it was only then that he realized there were a few more people that were behind his attacker.


Izaya put his hands in his pockets and grabbed his phone. He was easily able to call Shizuo without having to actually look. With how many people there were, and the fact that he wasn't in his best condition, again, he knew he wasn't going to be able to get out of this situation.

"You know, it's not exactly polite to barge into another person's home and attack him. Especially when there's, what, six of you?" Izaya said loudly, hoping that Shizuo had picked up his phone and heard him.

The informant felt a sharp pain in his right arm. He reached up and pulled a tranquilizer dart out. He could already feel the effects start.

He didn't even attempt to remove the second dart that was shot into him.

Might as well go ahead and have this over with.

...I really hope that brute answered his phone.

When Izaya had called Shizuo, it was in hopes that maybe the blonde would hear what was happening, and rush home.

The informant began to collapse into a deep sleep from the darts, when he had one last thought, before sleep overtook him.

At least it's not tasers this time.


I do not own Durarara!! or any images used.

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