Falling apart

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All day, Izaya stayed in Shizuo's bedroom.

And all day, Shizuo was filled with worry.

Izaya had a pretty good idea of how tonight was going to go down.

I can't have Shizu-chan follow me, or he could end up getting shot. If he wouldn't die from a bullet to the head, then the drug would be what would finish him off.

I wish I could tell him to stay behind while I go, but I know he won't listen. Even if I explain the situation with Cold Death and him literally having a sniper's aim on his head, more than likely he would go anyway. He wouldn't care that it's not a regular bullet. He would get shot.

I can't let that happen.

Izaya then got up and walked into the living room, much to the surprise of a nervous Shizuo.

"Hey....what's going on?" Shizuo asked, hastily getting up.

Izaya was quiet.

I don't want to do this.

"Shizu-chan....I'm going somewhere and I don't want you to follow me." Izaya said softly. He walked to the door and was facing it instead of Shizuo with his hand on the doorknob. A glance at the clock said it was currently 9:24 at night.

"What? No, absolutely not. I'm not gonna risk you getting kidnapped again. Are you out of your damn mind?!"

Please don't make me do this.

"Sorry Shizu-chan, but what you think doesn't matter right n-"

"BULLSHIT! I'm your bodyguard aren't I?!?!" The blonde interrupted angrily.

"...Okay then, you're fired."

I'm so sorry.

"What?" Shizuo asked surprised.

"I said...you're fired. I don't want to even be around you anymore." Izaya answered.

That's a lie. It's not true.

"....." Shizuo didn't know how to respond.


".....You don't want me around anymore?" Shizuo eventually asked.

I'm so sorry, Shizu-chan. I'm so sorry.

"Of course I don't want you around. Who in their right mind would? How many more times do I have to call you a monster for you to get it through your thick skull?"

I don't mean it.

"....Is this because I kissed you?" Shizuo asked quietly.

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry.


I'm sorry, Shizu-chan. I'm so fucking sorry for doing this to you.

"A big part of it is, yes. What made you think doing that was a good idea? As if anyone would want to kiss a beast as yourself."

Izaya then turned around with a grimace pointed towards the blonde.

"How disgusting." Izaya finished.

I'm sorry.

It was silent. Izaya noted that Shizuo was standing there with his hands at his sides, curled up into fists, shaking with rage. His eyes were hidden behind his hair.

"Get out, you fucking flea." Shizuo gritted out.

Izaya opened the door and left without another word. As he was walking down the road, he could hear the chaos the blonde was creating in his house.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry, Shizu-chan.

I hope that one day, you will forgive me.


I do not own Durarara!! or any images used.

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