[A/N]: Questions

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So, I'm a bit curious.

I wanna know people's opinions of this story, what they think of it.

Like, favorite scene so far? Least favorite scene?

Is the story too long, too short? Too slow or too quick?

Do you think it needs more of something? Less of something?

What do you think might happen next, or how do you think it might end?

Stuff like that.

I'm also ready to answer any questions that any of you have for me.

Also, the reason that I haven't had so many updates recently is because of school and writer's block.

Tbh, I've been making up stuff as I go, but I've been having to plan out stuff lately.

Also, my phone likes acting stupid on me 😞

My phone is really old and the screen is trashed. Its been getting worse and i don't have the money to fix it.


I plan on having this story finished before my phone completely dies on me. 👍

But yeah, don't worry, I'm not gonna make a note saying that i wont finish the story or something.

I will definitely finish this story, no matter what 😊

I'm also not taking breaks or hiatus from it either. I'm just able to update when I'm around WiFi is all, since I don't have internet at home.

Anyway, thanks for reading all this word vomit, and your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Also, I don't own that picture up there 👆

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