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It wasn't easy navigating through the countless hallways and rooms undetected.

At least, it wasn't to Shizuo that is.

He could only continue to be pulled along by the raven in front of him. For Shizuo, on one side he was slightly envious of Izaya's skills in sneaking, but on the other side, he was glad that he was never in situations that needed such skill.

Shizuo shook his head to clear his thoughts and focus back on the task at hand.

Izaya continued his way through the maze of rooms and hallways with his hand on Shizuo's wrist, guiding him the way.

The two eventually arrived at a door. It looked like any other door, but Izaya knew that it led to Kana.

They were finally at his room.

At first, Shizuo was confused as to why the raven had suddenly stopped in front of a door, but when Izaya sent him a glance, he understood instantly.

This is it.

Izaya opened the door, which was surprisingly and not surprisingly unlocked.

The two walked inside, Izaya making sure to shut the door behind them to keep any surprises from popping up from behind.

Since this was a fancy and expensive hotel, there were several rooms which greatly unnerved the duo since they couldn't see whether or not there were more people there to surround them or something.

"You finally arrived." A voice spoke out. Both Izaya's and Shizuo's eyes shot over to the man sitting at a couch.

Just as they knew, the man was one of many colors.

"Kana Osamu." Izaya said, flatly.

"Mister Orihara! What a pleasant surprise!" The man yelled out in false glee.

It was clear that it was in no way a surprise to the man that they were there.

I knew it. He was waiting for us. Izaya thought. The raven glanced around the room once more, noticing that the couch the man was on was right next to a large window, looking over the city.

This is bad. I can almost guarantee that there is a sniper somewhere out there.

"I'm just going to get right down to it. Why are you so hung up on killing me?" Izaya asked calmly, with a hint of anger.

Kana only looked at him with an amused look in his eyes and a small smile.

This immediately pissed Shizuo off.

But the blonde wouldn't move. Before they had even left Izaya's apartment, the raven had told him to not interfere unless absolutely necessary. Shizuo wanted to be of more help, but he trusted Izaya's judgement.

Dammit! This fucker has nearly killed Izaya several times, and even had him tortured. Yet here he is.

"I'm sorry, Kana-kun, but I have no intention of amusing you lik-" The raven said with spite before both Izaya and Shizuo froze.

Before, Kana simply looked amused.

But now, he wore a dead expression. It was a look that spelt danger. Shizuo felt his nerves stand on end, his instincts telling him to get away from whatever is making him feel like this, while Izaya was nervous because he has seen this look firsthand a few times in his life.

It was the look of someone that would get what they wanted, no matter what kind of fucked up things they had to do to get it.

Shit. This guy is more dangerous than I gave him credit for.

Everyone in the room was silent. Both Izaya and Shizuo was waiting and watching the other man, looking to see what will happen.

"....You're right. You can no longer amuse me, Orihara-san." The man said, voice sounding dead.

His hand twitched, causing Izaya to tense considerably.

That was his signal to-!

A small hole shattered into being as a bullet passed through the large window.


I do not own Durarara!! or any images used.

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