Back to everyday life

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It has been three weeks since the incident.

And it has been three weeks since Izaya has seen Shizuo.

Izaya knew of the blonde's usual schedule. If he wanted to, he could go out to the debt collector and....

Well, he didn't know what would come next.


Izaya has been avoiding Shizuo and he knew it.

I need to face the facts.

1. Shizuo and I were enemies.

2. Shizuo and I began to tolerate each other.

3. I got kidnapped.

4. Shizuo saved me.

5. Shizuo and I had became friends.

6. We both got drunk.

7. ...And then we made out.

8. Shizuo left.

9. And now I've been avoiding him.

Izaya had decided to go back to his normal routine he had before the blonde around him more. He needed something consistent and that he was in control of.

Izaya was stuck in these thoughts on his way to Shinra's house to get patched up.

He had met up with a client, and it didn't go so well when the information he brought wasn't to the guy's liking. The client was a middle aged man that had an unhealthy obsession with an idol. There had been rumors spread about the said idol to have a secret romantic relationship with one of her fans. The client had come to Izaya, begging to know if the rumors were true or not. Normally Izaya would have not really cared for the request, but he decided to take it since he was pretty sure of what the outcome would be and he wanted to see the expression on the desperate man's face.

And he was right.

Izaya had brought the information and evidence to the man in a specific alleyway for their meeting, knowing that it would be to the man's displeasure. It was around 9:00 P.M and so it was quite dark outside. The only light that was provided was the streetlights and the moon.

And once again, he was right.

When the man had learned of the idol's secret lover, they reacted without thinking, and tried attacking the raven.

Usually the informant would have had no trouble in defending himself, but at the moment he hadn't really been paying attention.

His thoughts were on a certain blonde debt collector.

Izaya couldn't stop the wince before it showed, when he was shoved into some pipes that were running across the wall they were standing next to.

There had to be a sharp edge or something on the pipes, because Izaya knew that he felt his blood running down his back. He could feel the tear in his skin covering somewhere on his right shoulder blade.

It was clear that the client was not usually a man of violence since he immediately wore a look of fear and regret before he ran away.

Izaya let out a sigh before standing upright again instead of leaning on the pipes. He tried looking over his shoulder to where the pain was coming from, but couldn't get a good view because of the angle and how dark it was.


He began making his way to Shinra's house. Luckily on his way there, he had not run into any more trouble. Which turned out lucky for both Izaya, and any would-be attackers, since Izaya was feeling quite moody.

His sleep cycle has been messed up, so many times gone through the day cranky and irritable.

Before the informant even realized it, he was already standing in front of the underground doctor's apartment. He rang the bell and waited. Moments later, the door opened up to a bubbly doctor greeting him.

"Oh, hey Izaya. What are you doing here?" The doctor asked with a head tilt.

"I got a cut on my back, mind taking a look at it?" The raven asked blandly.

"Sure! I just have to take care of two others first, alright?" The doctor said, going back farther into the apartment.

"Yeah, it's fine." Izaya replied, while walking into the apartment.

Only to freeze when he saw Shizuo Heiwajima sitting on the couch looking right back at him.


I do not own Durarara!! or any images used.

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