Waking up into a nightmare

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The very first thing Izaya saw when he looked up was the face of Shizuo Heiwajima.

5 minutes earlier

Everything hurts. This was Izaya's first thought when he woke up. He made sure to keep his eyes closed. He could tell from the red-ish pink-ish light coming through his eyelids, that a bright light was sure to be shining onto him. He wanted to know of his surroundings, but instead of putting his eyes through an agonizing hell, he decided to just keep them closed and listen closely.

Tension, that he didn't even know he was filled with, was released when he heard his annoying friend Shinra in the next room, gushing over Celty in every way and form.

The informant tried to sit up, but sharp pains from his sides made him rethink that decision immediately. He laid back down with a hiss, trying to recall just what exactly happened.

His memories flowed back, along with a frown onto his face when he remembered that the blonde had caught him again.

That damn protozoan.

"Oi, flea. Open your eyes already."

The info broker's eyes snapped open, despite his past reluctance at doing so, and met the blonde's gaze.


At first when Shinra told Shizuo that he was going to be taking care of the flea, he had nearly blown apart with anger. Until Shinra told him some important points to keep in mind. That, and Celty's shadows also helped at keeping him at bay.

The doctor had informed the blonde about how the flea got when he was sick. At first, Shizuo still didn't care, and refused to help the info broker. But then Shinra said one little thing that changed his viewpoint some.

"I know that you don't really mind the fights you have with Izaya as much as you pretend you do."

Those were the doctor's words to the blonde. And he was right. The fights helped Shizuo blow off steam, even if he hates violence.

If the flea were to go out when he was sick like this and got killed, because lets face it that he has a lot of enemies, then Shizuo wouldn't be able to go up against someone that he could fight without worrying that he would become a murderer. The only other person that could match him in strength was Simon, but Shizuo would never use him as an anger outlet because they were friends.

The final fact that won Shizuo over to taking care of the louse, was the fact that Izaya had an even greater chance of being killed, all because of him. Even if it wasn't Shizuo that would kill him, if someone were to kill the flea after he was put into this state by Shizuo, then his morale would never let him forget that. That someone was dead, and it was by his doing. With all of this, he agreed to help the flea, starting with carrying the raven to Shinra's place after said doctor patched up any immediate injuries on the informant.

So here he was, waiting for the flea to wake up.

His head snapped up when he saw the flea try to sit up, only for him to fall back down with a hiss and a frown.

Shizuo decided that it was about time to make his presence known.

"Oi, flea. Open your eyes already."

The flea's eyes snapped open, and red auburn eyes met honey brown ones.


I do not own Durarara!! or any images used.

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