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Oki Oki, Basically when you soulmate sings you sing at that same time, no matter what time or place//

°^~Jake's Pov~^°
I was just getting done with my soulmate. They sing the most depressing songs EVERRR. Like Jesus lighten up. So I sing once and a while this "If your happy and you know it clap your hands!" My soulmate needs to lighten up their music. It is  annoying when I am trying to talk to a friend then I start singing "I am not a robot" but the most depressing parts! It is getting so annoying, they are my soulmate though.

I start sighing and thinking "I wonder if my soulmate is a guy or a girl. I am bi so it could be either. Or a transgender! That would be super interesting or even a nonbinary. I need to stop fantasizing about my soulmate and get to work." I sat up and looked at my project. I groaned dramatically. "Maybe one of my friends will who are people who aren't in my class so I don't bother people trying to work on their projects" I seen Rich's contact witch is "Oofdatbidude" and call him. It was ringing so I waited.

Then I heard the familer lispy voice "Hello Jake?" "Hey, you sould come over to my house to help with my project" "Oh, of courthe I will help, want to pick me up from my houthe?" "Sure, I will be there in 5 minutes, See you then~" I hummed as I heard a 'See you then' back, I hung up then made my way to my car grabbing my keys. I made my way to my Mazda Protege. It isn't a great car but it isn't a bad one either. I get in and make my way to Rich's house. I started singing "This is the song that never ends it goes on and on my friends"

I stop after the 9th time. My soulmate might be really annoyed right now. I watch as trees of all sizes and street lamps pass me. I breath in contently. I make it to Rich's house to see him waiting for me. "Hey, Richhh, come on" He looked annoyed..I wonder why. Rich got in beside me in the passengers side. I decided to ask him what is wrong later. I began to head back to my home and look at Rich. "Did your parents fight again?"

°^~Rich's Pov~^°
"Yeah but that's not what ith really bugging me right now." I look at Jake as he said worriedly "What is bothering you then?" I keep on staring at Jake because he needs to keep his eyes on the road and stuff. I kinda like looking at him. "My soulmate was singing the most annoying song, The 'Song that never ends' they made me sing it to so it was even more annoying'!" Jake's face turns pale as he looks like he is thinking about seeing a zombie. I hate seeing him scared for some reason. "Hey, Jake are you okay buddy?"

Jake shook his head "Yeah, I'm fine" He smiles at me.


~Lisp~ Richjake StuffsWhere stories live. Discover now