Full of regret. (1)

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I was on my way to my job, I got a new job to keep up with collage. I don't want to bother my father with anything since he practically kicked me out as soon as I turned 18. I and my best friend Jake live in a dorm together, we'd been planning to for a while before we went through with it. The deal is I pay for half the rent and food and he pays the other half and for bills, water, stuff like that.

This day was just like any other, I went to work and came back home once Jake was leaving for his night job. Something was off with him today. I asked but he said he was fine. I decided to leave it alone. I ordered some pizza and ate it on the couch. It was nice to relax for the little time you could. I was watching crime shows before I dozed off.

Jake woke me up for my classes. I smiled and said thanks. I had gone to class, talking to Micheal. He seemed like he was more embarrassed than usual. After class, he walked up to me. He looked at the ground. "hey, would you like.. to go on a date, with.. me?" I just smiled softly at him. "sure" I said softly. We made the plans then I skipped to the dorm.

"Jake! I have a date" I called. Jake looked at me with an expression I couldn't read as well as his normal smile. "with who?" He questioned, organizing. "Micheal" I responded, starting to help him. Jake just hummed, "Do you need help picking out an outfit?" I smiled, "Yeah, you know him bad at it" Jake hummed and walked to the closet, grabbing a few outfits. "Pick your favorite" He seemed to keep away from shorts and skirts. I pouted but went along with it.

I decided to go with a sweater with blue and purple stripes and leggings. Jake hummed softly, "be careful," He said as he fixed my shirt a bit. I fixed his white tee while I listened to him. I nodded then waved as I left. I walked down the stairs, I thought I heard someone walking down too, but when I checked nothing was there. I shrugged it off and got down on the ground floor, walking to the front doors.

I waited to see Micheal. While I waited, I played on my phone. Micheal never showed for the date, did he not want to be seen with me? Was this a prank? I went back to the dorm and cuddled my pillows. Jake came back a bit early. "Are you okay? did the date not go well?" His red shirt loomed over my head. "no" I mumbled and hugged him. Jake hugged back and sat down on the couch carefully. "Tell me what happened"

While I explained everything, he listened intently. It felt like he had my back. I can't believe I keep trying to date, it never works out. Jake smiled softly, "He doesn't deserve you anyway" I smiled at Jake. We both fell asleep. I woke up to my alarm and Jake being gone. I checked my phone. Nothing from Micheal. I rolled my eyes and sighed softly. I got up and realized it was Saturday, meaning no classes!

I laid back down on the couch and turned on the TV, going to the news, even though everything the news makes me sad. It's all just so depressing. There were a few stories about lost dogs and stuff, but then, a missing person's face appeared. Micheal. I gasped and called Jake. Once he answered, I started to ramble. "I know why Micheal didn't show up" It sounded very quiet on Jake's end until I said he went missing.

I hung up after a while and sighed softly. I can't believe he went missing and I thought he just ditched the date. I soon walked down to Jeremy's dorm. We chatted for a while about why he would disappear.

// Sorry, I died a while but I'm back! and this is just the first chapter  

~Lisp~ Richjake StuffsWhere stories live. Discover now