🍰 Strawberry Shortcake (1) 🍰

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Jake was sitting at a small diner, sipping his almost burning hot coffee, but he was becoming too impatient to wait for it to cool lately. He was here every morning and late evening. He was here every day so he knew all of the workers. Jake's eyes moved up, seeing a worker staring at him. He must be new. "Sir, could I get a slice of strawberry shortcake?" Jake asked, with gentle eyes. The boy with the red-dyed hair quickly went back into the kitchen. He came back in only moments with a plate with a strawberry shortcake slice on it. The freckled boy set it down. Jake grabbed the plate and handed the boy dollar bills, reading the new kid's name tag, "Keep the change, Rich" He said, getting a bit of a shocked expression for a moment before it relaxed. "Ah, the name tag, I forgot for a moment" Jake smiled softly at the reaction he got, "I noticed" He replied simply, closing his eyes as he finished his coffee after taking a bite of his cake. Jake soon felt the presence of the other person leave, he sat down his mug gently. It's been a while since he has seen a new face working here, it felt refreshing.

Time ticked away slowly. Soon, Jake was standing up and walking out of the diner after waving goodbye to Martha, the owner of the shop. He walked down to his work that was only a block away. It was the main reason why he went there every day. Another reason is the food was actually good and it reminded him of homecooked meals. He sat down at his desk, whilst hearing his co-workers chatter loudly. He calmly started to type out analytical reports. Jake had the most boring job, with the most annoying people. His eyebrow twitched as Chole, the most annoying one rambled on, whilst sitting on his desk, about how hot some dude was named Jeremy. She didn't stand a chance, even Jake noticed how Jeremy clung to Michael. He just kept typing away, nodding when she made sure he was listening. He was zoning out the words, turning them to just background noise as he thought of the worker at the dinner. Jake mentally cursed himself as he shook it away. Chole finally got her ass up off his desk, he cleaned it off with a wipe then went back to work. He was ignoring the thoughts in his mind of the freckled boy.

The workday felt like a week, each time Jake would look up at the clock, it would have only moved a bit. Jake finally stood up, grabbing his jacket from on his chair. He grabbed his bag and walked out of the workplace. He walked back down to the diner, for his late lunch. Jake sat down in his usual seat and set his bag down beside him after taking out his wallet. He felt a smile on his face as he saw the boy. Rich wholesomely laughed, "You came back, I guess the food here is good" He walked over with a cup of water. Jake ordered his regular for dinner, getting handed hamburgers and fries. He started to eat, even though he felt the gaze from the boy that somehow snuck into his mind. Jake pretended not to notice, though he felt as if he was becoming red just from being glanced at. He wiped his mouth with a napkin, glancing up and making eye contact with the worker. Jake smiled gently as he hummed, "You should come and take a break, chat with me"

// Hey, guys! This is an author's note! Make sure to wash your hands and practice social distancing! The plus side, I have way much more time to write-- Also, this is just the first part of this, I got lazyy 🍰

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