• Rewrite Day 1 •

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For a bit I'm going to rewrite my first cringy chapters, this one is a rewrite of all parts of "A new feeling" h m m m I cringed so much rereading them. I added some stuff and all that to match my writing style now, if you go back to these parts you'll see how much I've improved :'

Now to the story!!

Class had finished for Rich and Jake.  Rich was on his phone since it had finished and it took a while before the bell rung. His fingers were viciously tapping the screen of his phone to beat his high score on flappy bird. His brows were furrowed in frustration as he saw the tiny bird die, for the 100th time. He started a new game and tried to beat his high score once again. Meanwhile, with Jake, he was chatting up with Christy, a nickname he used for his black haired friend.

They were discussing the issue between Jake and Rich. Jake had taken Rich to a buffet and they ate together since Jake liked Rich he wanted to do something nice so Rich could 'see what he's missing', but suddenly after Rich had stopped going to Jake's house every friday like the boy used to. That wasn't all of the odd behavior. Rich would also not go to Jake's locker in the morning anymore, or he would just go to talk to Jeremy or anyone else besides Jake. If they did talk Rich would just nod and stand there awkwardly. Christy sighed and told Jake that Rich might be going through something, and that he should talk to Rich personally.

Jake had only had his side of the story. With Rich. It was way worse. Rich, after the dinner with Jake, realized he had been crushing on his best friend when Jake hugged him goodbye. He can physically remember the hug like it happened seconds ago. He also had started to have.. wet dreams.. about the taller boy. Which made it awkward to talk to Jake. So, he started not talking to Jake, not knowing the affects he caused.

Christy finally had gotten Jake to walk over to Rich. Jake's hand went on Rich's shoulder. This caused Rich's almost new high score to die. The small boy groaned in annoyance at his screen then looked up at Jake. Rich's cheeks started to flame up, so, hide this now red face, Rich looked away to his phone again. Jake's eyes saddened as he sat down beside Rich. "Rich.. Why are you.. acting so weird around me now?.. Was it something I said?" Jake's voice was mellowed as he spoke. His eyes had a glint of guilt as he stared at Rich.

Rich started to talk with the lisp that Jake loved dearly. "Whath are you thalking abouth?" He was almost unheard since his voice was so tiny, but he knew what Jake was talking about.. Though he didn't want to know. Jake's hand moved to Rich's head, patting it. "Well, it's just that you've been not really hanging around me and when we do you just.. Don't talk. Are we still friends?.." Jake said a bit sadly. Rich quickly looked at Jake, almost dropping his phone. He set his phone on his desk gently. He felt almost betrayed that Jake would ever think that, but he felt bad and couldn't blame him for thinking that. "Of courthe we are sthill friends!"

Jake made visible smile of relieve as he brought Rich into a hug. He then pulled away. "I'm so glad--" His voice traveled off, he grabbed Rich's phone from the desk as Jake started to smirk. "I bet I can beat your high score!" He said in a smug tone. Jake turned on the phone and unlocked it, knowing the password, both of the boys knew eachothers passwords for everything. (even their accounts for p0RNHU- what? idk.. :/.. I swear I'm innocent) He soon went onto flappy bird and started to play it. Rich leaned in, watching the screen better. Jake started to blush a bit. His mind was going crazy having his friend and crush so close. After a while, and after Jake beating the high score the bell rung loudly throughout the school, signalling to get out.

The next day was Friday so the two boys decided to finally put down both of their awkwardness and go to a get together with a few friends. The only thing was is that Jake.. Didn't invite anyone else. He started walking with Rich into the dinner, it had a few people scattered around and the red leather seats shined with each mellow yellow colored lights. Jake glanced at a booth with a glossed wood table. He made a small smile at Rich and started to carefully get into one side of the booth. Rich got in the other side. As they waited for others to show up, or Rich waited. Jake sighed, he glanced down. "I wonder why nobody could show up" He said with fake sadness so everything would seem more real. Rich had sighed gently. His hand tapped the table. "We can sthill have fun, justh the thwo of uth"

Jake smiled a bit, hanging out with Rich would never sound bad, which that's what he wanted from the beginning of this outting. A waitress in a short skirt handed them menu's then walked away after getting the orders of their drinks. Jake wanted water and Rich wanted a cream soda. Rich started to talk to Jake about finger print lines and DNA, and how interesting they were because everyone's is different depending on where they come from. Jake would nod and smile, loving to listen to the lisp, this was the reason he could understand Rich perfectly when other's would sometimes look confused, because Jake made it a hobby to listen to Rich. The drinks came to the two boys and they both order soup. The waitress wrote it down then went back to the kitchen. Jake made the mistake to look at the waitresses.. Backside... Rich glanced at Jake then at what he was glancing at.

Rich glared in jealousy as he kicked Jake's foot from under the table. "Sthop being a pedo Jake" He stated. Jake turned red, he wasn't actually staring at her ass, he was wanting and imagining to put Rich in that skirt and fu-. "W-What.. I'm not!?" He whisper yelled. Rich rolled his eyes, wishing he had a butt for Jake to look at since he didn't know what Jake was actually thinking about, though he knew Jake's weakness. "Yes you aree" Rich faked an innocent voice. That quickly made Jake shut up and flush harder. "Jakeeeyy" Jake glared with his red face. "What." Rich smirked more. "Chill your hormones." He snickered out. The food shortly appeared with the waitress carrying it gently. She gave the food to Rich, who's hand was about to be held by Jake's hand but Rich had moved it. She down the rest of the food down then walked away. Jake fiddled with his spoon and glanced at Rich who was stuffing his face with the soup.

Rich glanced at Jake and they shared a moment of eye contact, Jake, looking frustrated because he couldn't say how he felt because his mind was going bananas, and Rich who has had the same amount of blush since he met up with Jake this evening. Rich noticed that Jake wasn't eating the food fully and sighed. He wiped his mouth of any extra soup and set down his spoon. "Jake.. Whath is wrong?" Rich asked. Jake took a few seconds to respond to Rich. "Nothing.. Don't worry about it" He smiled a small bit, though it was obviously forced. "Tell me" Frustration soaked Rich's words. Jake gulped. "I-I think.. I thin..k I l-like.. No.. L-love you" Jake's voice was quiet. Rich's eyes widen, his face almost froze.

Jake saw this then slouched a bit in the seat. "I'm so... very.. sorry" He said. Rich got up and paid for both of their meals. He quickly started walking to his own home as he pulled Jake along. Jake was blushing like crazy when Rich grabbed his hand. "Where are we going Rich?" His small voice shuddered again. "My house." said Rich. When it comes to dirty minds, Jake might have almost the dirtiest so his cheeks were flaming when Rich said that, imagining again. The two boys started to talk faster down the sidewalk. The house was close by so it wasn't such a far walk to be completely honest. Once they finally got there, the taller boy opened Rich's front door for him then walked in after, closing it. He then was sat down on the couch by Rich. Rich then sat down beside Jake, very,  very closely.

Jake's face was probably less then a centimeter away from Rich's. He could feel Rich's cold breath go down his neck. Meaning.. Jake was probably red as a hot pepper. "I wanthed to thell you that.. You were always there for me, even when I was in the hospithal.. That's why--" Rich's voice trailed off for a second, making Jake even more nervous. "That's why.. I love you too Jake.." Rich's eyes looked up, practically sparkling with admiration for the taller boy. The tall burnett shared an awkward smile. "T-Thank yo-?" before Jake could finish he felt a pair of soft, barely chapped lips on his.

"I've waited to do that for so long Jake" Rich said as he pulled away with a bright red face. Jake looked away with a bit of shock. "u-uh.. APD?" Rich bit his lip, wondering if he went to far. "I'll beat ya" He felt Jake ruffle his hair. "No you want ya loser" The rest of the night was spend playing the video game's New PVP mode and finally Jake had beat Rich multiple times. Rich thrown his controller in rage. Jake snickered and hugged Rich, who was crawling into his lap already. "You cheated.." Rich mumbled into the bigger boys chest. The morning was spent with the two boys cuddling close and a confused sister had walked in on it.

•Word count: 1648•

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