The House

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Jake was getting ready to hang out with Rich today. They have been planning to walk around town today since they knew it would have nice weather. He was getting on a tank top and his usual jacket. He put on his tennis shoes and walked out of the door. They planned on meeting at Cocoa Connection Coffee Bar. It was both of the boy's favorite cafe, after all. Jake walked to his car, opening the door after unlocking it, then sat himself down. He started to drive as he turned up the radio. He didn't know what would happen this day, nor did Rich. Even so, both of their lives would be changed for the worse.

Rich had been doing the same as Jake, even though he was way more worried about looking good. This is how Rich was. A panicky guy with anxiety oozing out of his pores. Once he fixed his hair again for about the 50th time, he let out a breath of air that he didn't know he was holding as he looked at himself in the mirror. He sighed gently and noted he needed to clean the mirror. The boy let out another puff as he walked out the door. He was closer to the cafe, so he decided to walk instead of drive. He hoped Jake would be on time since he was never on time for anything. When Rich thought about it, he remembered Jake being late to his birthday party once, which he didn't even think was possible.

Neither of them knew what they would discover that day...

Rich opened the door of the cafe, hearing the familiar sound of the bell jingling. He got a sense of nostalgia as he smelled the cafe's rich smell of coffee. He went to the counter, and ordered a cup of coffee, with sugar and creamer. Very unlike what Jake would order. Rich cringed at the fact that the other boy drank straight black coffee without anything in it. It made him physically sick.

He smiled as he paid for the drink. He sat down at a table, waiting for the other boy. Rich watched as people walked in and out. He took a swig of his coffee once he knew it was cooled down. He heard the bell jiggling, so he looked up. He saw Jake coming through the door and they both smiled at each other.

Jake excitedly wandered over to Rich and hugging him softly asked, "Hey, how have you been? It's been forever since I've seen you." Rich quietly smiled as he heard Jake. "Yeah, I know and I've been okay," he murmured, trying to keep the chatty atmosphere calm and light. They talked for a while, then Jake smiled a bit more as he hummed. "Dang I've missed talking to you," he blurted, chuckling as he said it.

They continued talking, but they soon remembered why they were hanging out. "Hey, we are supposed to be walking around. You said you wanted to show me this cool house you saw," Rich mentioned. "Ah, sorry, I forgot for a bit buddy," he laughed it off awkwardly. Jake lightly smiled as he and Rich walked out of the cafe and into the fresh summer air. Jake let out a noise of content enjoying the breeze. He watched Rich giggle at him. Rich teased him then, but they continued on their way.

Jake was leading the way of the walk. Rich was dying of thirst. He was more out of shape and had much shorter legs than Jake. Jake wanted a drink too, so they decided to take a break. They stopped at the library and each drank from the water fountains. Rich let out a sigh."I didn't know how warm it was till we walked into here," he said, sitting down on a bench. Jake soon followed suit and hummed in agreement. It felt nice to just sit down and relax for a little bit. Rich watched Jake close his eyes and breathe deeply in a slow, steady rhythm.

Rich was entranced as he watched Jake fall asleep. He didn't know why, but Jake looked peaceful when he closed his eyes, even if only for a minute.

He hurriedly glanced away from Jake once he started to open his eyes again. "Were you watching me," he said with a laugh. Rich looked away trying to hold on to an ounce of denial. "Oh, I just didn't realize you were that exhausted," he made up a quick and flimsy excuse for why he was starring. Making the conscious decision not to shatter Rich's pride, Jake said, "I didn't release either, don't worry, you aren't the only one," as he stretched a bit. Rich smirked a little bit as he watched again, more comfortably. He still felt awkward, but he ignored the feeling with a smile.

"Hey, we should get going if we wanna make it to Dron Road." Jake already told him around where the house was before they even met up. Jake nodded, "Yeah, we should get going." He stood up and got a quick drink from the water fountain again before he looked at Rich with a soft facial expression. "Come on, slowpoke," he teased with a smile. Rich had always loved his smile.

He stood up and followed Jake out of the library, getting back on the sidewalk and back on track. Rich and Jake walked side-by-side as they talked about topics ranging from school to bumblebees. They always had fun together, which is why Jake didn't understand why they stopped hanging out for a while in the first place.

Jake stopped walking soon enough. Rich looked up and saw that they had stopped in front of a house that seemed abandoned. "So, is this the so-called house?" Jake nodded slightly and he looked back at Rich, "My friend and I smoked weed in here. I just thought you'd want to see it because of the paintings it has in it," he sort of trailed off at the end, but Rich's eyes lit up. He loved collecting old paintings and posters. Jake knew him too well to be quite honest. "Hell yeah," He excitedly exclaimed.

Jake looked at Rich with a smirk while he creaked open the gate of the fence that surrounded the house's yard. Rich kept close, holding onto Jake's arm. He started to have a bad feeling, but he elected not to say anything.

Jake let Rich hold his arm as they walked onto the porch. He sniffed the air, something smells disgusting but sweet. Like rotting sugar. He continued anyway, and after opening the door, the smell only got worse. It was pungent. A horrible, vomit-inducing smell that was overwhelmingly sweet. Imagine a rotting piece of meat with a couple of drops of cheap perfume. Jake gagged at the smell then saw something that made him puke.

It was the corpse of a man with his chest cut open. They could see his ribs poking out like pins in a pincushion. He saw Rich gasping for air once he saw the body. Jake quickly ran out. He heard Rich yell something along the lines of "call the cops". He pulled out his phone and dialed 911. While doing so, he looked back. Seeing the dead eyes of the body staring back at him. He covered his mouth as he heard a woman on the other line begin asking him questions. 

- Edited and Looked over by  @Yeetdeleteme -

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