~^• Milk Duds •^~

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Warnings or something: Refers to Alcohol Abuse and other substance abuse, thigh highs ;(, Only a bit of angst, bullying!


There is a boy in my class with thigh highs and milk duds. He brings the candy everywhere, class, lunch, home, probably at parties we have. The boy has freckles that are scattered across his face and I hardly know his name since everyone calls him different nicknames. They can range from good to bad. I hate hearing the ones that are worse. I don't want to repeat them.. But I will. The bad names he gets called are fag.. Or slut. It depends on what mood my so called friends are in. I hate when they call him those names so much but I can't say anything. How could I change what they do?

But I like calling him Milk Dud, since he always has Milk Duds. Those are one of the good names. There is also, Thigh high, and quiet boy. That's what Jeremy and Michael call him. Jeremy is kind to him and so is Michael. I'm glad they are with him so he doesn't see how much he is disliked. I like him though. I like the thigh highs he wears. They all have different colors and length and I always look to see what color is next..

Milk Dud loves to draw. He drew the whole class once. It was so amazing that when he got up to grab his stuff. I took it without him and gave it to the teacher to hang up. That was probably wrong.. But It's still hung up and his face becomes a very cute red shade when he sees it. I sit in front of him so I can see everything he is doing. I can protect him.

I heard that he did drugs. He doesn't seem like the type to do that so I said I'll ask him myself to Jeremy, the one who told me. I want to get to know him better anyway. He goes outside for lunch, beside the lake, so I went there. Milk dud was there, his freckled face looked up at me. I forgot how to speak for a moment. His eyes were to pretty to speak to. I heard his voice, "..are you okay?" He asked in not a judging way.. But a worried way.

I thought over of how I should speak to Milk dud so I don't sound like a studdering mess. I studder when I'm nervous. I finally get my composure, somewhat and start speaking what I thought about. "You are pretty- w-wait no, uh, I-I wanted t..to ask you- there's a rumor.. Uh.. I-It is about y-you doing drugs.. I came to ask i-if it is true" I was very tempted to jump into the river until I heard a soft, memorizing giggle. "...no, i don't do drugs.. but is that all you were thinking about right then?" Milk dud teased a bit. I felt my embarrassment flame up.

"..i'm joking.. but I'm not joking when i want you to sit down with me..." Milk dud's voice was so soft and smooth, you could almost not hear it. Almost. I sat down beside Milk dud then glanced at him, he wasn't looking at me. I started to take in the features on his face. That was until Milk dud noticed my stare. "you can talk to me, ya know?... i won't bite.. possibly." The tiny voice spoke again. I felt a bit more embarrassed but spoke. We talked for awhile. This was amazing, I learned about what classes he takes and that Milk dud's real name is Rich..

Time passed to fast. The bell rang loudly, Milk dud.. Or Rich.. Got up then sent a smile my way. I watched as he went to the building. I sigh happily. I stay there a moment before realizing I need to get to class as well. I was quickly joined up back with my friend group before I know it. When I'm with my friend group I can hardly see Milk dud- Rich.. But this time he waved at me. I waved back. Which must have been mistake. Because soon a heard a judgmental voice. "Your friends with that fag?" My eyes looked down at the floor as I keep walking, I bump into a few people as I do so. "No, we just have a project together" I lied. The voice hummed a 'good' then went to her own class. I sighed and went to finish my school day.

I heard the earsplitting bell ring loudly as I was just about to fall asleep in my last class, English. I quickly got up and grabbed all of my stuff. I went to the hallways then to my locker. I neatly put my things inside before going to Milk Dud's locker.. I like calling him Milk Dud still. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "Want someone to walk home with you?" I asked. He smiled and softly said, "yeah.." He said as he put his things in his locker. He bent down a bit. Making his skirt he was wearing his skirt slither up his thigh. I looked away as quickly as I could. Before I knew it Milk Dud was poking my probably red as a lollipop cheek. "..let's go" He had a slight whine.

I nodded and started to walk. Milk Dud was right beside me as we walked. I looked a Milk Dud and smiled a bit. "Where is you house?" He just smiled then replied, "..just follow my lead" I still walked beside him though I was careful to notice when to turn. Milk Dud smiled more as he walked. We broke the quiet and filled it with soft chatter. I love talking to him. His voice is calm and never loud, like a small bird tweeting out. Milk Dud turned and their was the river. "Huh?" I made a confused face. "..i thought you needed a break" He said softly.

I smile and sat down by the rivers soft current. "Isn't this the off current?" I say. "yeah... The one at the school meets with the ocean after a while, this side doesn't" I nod as Milk Dud started to lean against me. "Are you tired?" I ask quietly. "nah.. i just felt like doing this.. i don't know why" His voice went quieter as he let his weight slowly go onto my side. He got out a familiar looking box of milk duds. "Want one?" He asked in a exhausted voice. "Yeah" I reached my hand into the box of milk duds.

I grabbed one of the candy and out it in my mouth. I'm weird, I like saving my milk dud in my mouth and sucking on it. Most people bite their milk duds, not me. I like making sure they are safe and not crunchy loud. Rich.. Was still leaning against my side, I heard soft snoring. I couldn't resist moving my arm onto Rich's shoulder to keep holding him close. I keep watching the river with a soft gaze.

I loved feeling that Rich was safe in my arms. His breathing was calmed and I felt the breathing against my side. Up and then down. The pattern repeated itself. I could just stay here forever and protect him. I've never felt this way before but,

I think I've fallen for the boy in my class with thigh highs and milk duds.

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