°Autumn° [Fluff]

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The autumn leaves were scattered around the ground like a old painting as other leaves were falling off from the chill breeze that was passing. Rich, who was bundled up with a winter jacket and a red, hand made scarf, smiled as he saw a leaf fall onto his book he was reading when he was sitting on a bench that was surrounded by large oak trees that were autumn red, golds and browns. He smiled even more as he picked up the leaf. It had a mix of a yellow-gold and a magenta-red. He remembered his Grandma who presses flowers in books. He placed the leaf down on his book and closed the book like his Grandmother taught him.

He took out his phone since he wasn't reading his book anymore. The freckled face of Rich looked up a bit before clicking on his unread message from Jake. It read in perfect clear letters 'I'm on my right now, I got the time a bit mixed up' Rich laughed a loving laugh to his phone before texting back. It probably made him looked insane, he didn't care, he can look insane if he wants. He didn't need to wait long before he seen a very familiar figure running to him. He looked st the details more then sighed, it was Michael. Not that he didn't want to see the friend, just that he wanted to see Jake in particular today. His thoughts were broken as he heard Michael yell to him.

"Rich! Rich! Jake just broke up with his girlfriend" Rich had forgotten for a second he told Michael about his embarrassing crush on his bestfriend. "really?" The lisped voice asked. His friend nodded quickly and showed a post of Jake's now ex girlfriend complaining about Jake breaking up for her over some dumb ass. Rich felt happy for two reasons; Jake was now single so that made things a bit better and Jake's girlfriend was a bit of a bitch to be completely honest. He smiled just a small bit as he continued to chat with his friend. They ranged around to different topics before he know saw Jake waving from a bit far away. "My cue to leave then bros" Michael shot Rich a small wink before leaving. Jake sat down beside Rich, taking in features of his.. Friend....

Rich smiled at Jake. That made Jake smile a bit and look at the book beside Rich. Somewhat jealous of how close it was.. He wished he could be that close to Rich. The freckled hand laid down on the book. "I was reading this book before you came, I can move it if you wanted to sit there" The shorter boy smiled a toothy grin. His hands then moved the book for Jake. Jake scooted closer to Rich, removing barely any space in between the two boys. "S-So, I heard you broke up with your girlfriend" Studdered the deep red Rich. Jake looked at Rich with a confused face. "Oh-" His face filled with realization. "That was like 6 weeks ago" Rich hummed, he looked a bit confused as he looked at Jake for more details. "She must be going online again? Ah.. She's been doing that for awhile after she blocked you- for.. Reasons.." The burnett smiled a bit nervously as the smaller boy lean against him more. "Had a rough day, bub?" Jake's fingers went through Rich's red part of his hair.

The now weakened and blushing Rich made a small 'mhm' Jake smiled to himself as he pet Rich's hair and ran his fingers through it. "I'm so sorry.. Are you doing better now?" The weak boy looked up at Jake, out of being in the bigger boy's chest. "Yeah.. Because you.." He looked away then cuddled up closer against Jake's chest. The eyes of the Burnett looked down at Rich, he blushed a bit at the 'because you' His ears started to also turn red feeling Rich's breathing close to his own chest, all of this started to make Jake realise how close they are. He was probably redder then a strawberry slurpy at this point but he continued to run his fingers through Rich's hair. "I'm glad I could help you Rich.. I love helping you, so you should come to me whenever your down or if you want to just hang out. We hardly hung out because my girlfriend but it's different now.." Rich felt his cheeks start to go red. He peeped out a small 'okay' as he snuggled closer to the warmth of Jake.

Jake played with the scarf that Rich was wearing.. He would like it better if it was off- wait what the hell. The two boys stayed like this till they heard a camera snap, two boys; Michael and Jeremy. They both were behind the phone. "Sending this to the classroom's group chat!!" Michael yelped out as he ran with the camera as Jeremy, very awkwardly held onto Michael's jacket to keep up with him.


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