Chapter 1

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Vic looked to me and then went up to the front door, knocking on it. Charlie barked from behind the door before he started whining at us, scratching at the door again. Vic looked back to me.

"Something's wrong," he said.

Chapter 1:

Vic's Point of View:

"Try again," Mike said, making me nod.

I knocked again, and Charlie did the exact same thing. He barked then whined at us as he went back to scratching the door.

"Is the door unlocked?" I asked Sandra.

She shrugged, pushing a bit of her wet hair off her face.

"I haven't checked," she said. "I was waiting for you two to show before I did anything."

I tried the door handle and found that it was unlocked. I pushed the door open and went inside, Charlie barking and giving a bit of a growl as he backed off. Upon seeing it was me he ran over and nudged me as I took my hood off and looked at him. Mike and Sandra followed me in, Sandra closing the door after herself.

I crouched down and Charlie nudged me again, whining at me.

"What is it boy?" I asked, making Charlie bark in urgency. "Where's Ronnie?"

Charlie whined at the mention of Ronnie and nudged me again.

"You wanna show me where he is?" I asked, making him bark again.

Charlie ran off, heading down the hallway. I followed, Mike and Sandra in tow. Charlie was at the end of the stairs, and he barked when he saw us, telling us to hurry up. He bolted up the stairs and we followed. Charlie was now outside Ronnie's room, barking and whining at us.

He nudged the door open a bit with his nose as we reached the top of the stairs and he went in. I looked to Mike who just shrugged. I walked over to Ronnie's room and came to a halt, opening the door slightly and looking in.

"Oh no."

"Vic, what's wrong?" Mike asked with worry as he and Sandra stayed back.

Charlie was lying on the bed next to Ronnie, who looked like he was completely out and I could hardly even see him breathing. Charlie whined and nudged Ronnie who didn't move. I looked over to Mike and Sandra.

"Sandra, call the ambulance," I said. "Mike, I need your help."

Mike nodded and came over as Sandra pulled out her phone and dialled, worry clear on her face.

"What is it?" Mike asked as he came to a halt next to me and looked into Ronnie's room. "Oh..."

I looked over to Sandra.

"Y'know how long he's been like this?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No idea. His dad worked late last night and I didn't see him come home, so I dunno if he knows about this or not."

Mike had gone into Ronnie's room and I heard Charlie whine at him, clearly wanting him to help Ronnie. I went in and came to a halt next to Mike.

"He alive?" I asked, still not sure if he was breathing or not.

"Just," Mike said with worry. "His pulse is fading fast though. We've really gotta get him help soon or else he's not gonna make it."


Mike called Ronnie's dad and he arrived just as the paramedics were just about to leave and get Ronnie to the hospital.

"What's happened?" he asked as he pulled his jacket around himself.

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