Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

Andy's Point of View:

Tay looked over at me as I sat up and rubbed my eyes tiredly.

"Hey," she said. "Feelin' any better?"

I looked at her. "I just woke up, so no."

Tay just gave a nod and headed over to the door to her room. She stopped as she opened it and looked back to me.

"I'll leave you to get dressed and whatever," she said. "I'll be downstairs."

I gave a nod and she smiled in return before she went out the door, closing it behind herself. I laid down again, rubbing my eyes tiredly once more. My phone started buzzing and I sighed. I grabbed it from the bedside table and looked at who was calling.

Sure enough, once again, it was Juliet trying to reach me. I put my phone back down on the table and buried my face in the pillow, dismissing the phone as it kept buzzing. The last thing I wanted to do right now was answer the call.

A faint knock on the bedroom door got my attention.

"Andy? You decent? Can I come in?" I heard Ashley say from the other side.

I just grunted in response, keeping my face buried in the pillow as I heard the door open slowly. Ashley closed the door again and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Y'know your phone's going off?"

"I don't wanna answer it," I mumbled into the pillow. "She can go get fucked."

"Juliet calling?"

I nodded and heard Ashley sigh.

"Maybe you should answer it," he said. "She might wanna fix it; that'd be why she's calling."

I turned my head to the side and looked at him, my expression unimpressed. Ashley just looked back at me as my phone finally stopped buzzing, meaning she'd stopped calling.

"Believe me Ash, she's the last person I wanna talk to right now," I said, sighing as my phone started buzzing again. I buried my face in the pillow again. "She can go get fucked again."

Ashley sighed again and I felt as he shifted his position. I turned my head to the side again to look at him. He was now sitting cross-legged on the vacant side of the bed.

"So?" he said, sounding slightly interested in something. I gave him a curious look as he smiled, both of us ignoring my phone as it kept buzzing. "Tay spend the night in here too?"

I shook my head in annoyance. "What's it to you?"

Ashley grinned at me.

"Knew it," he said, pointing at me accusingly and making me frown at him in slight annoyance. "I knew you liked her."

"She's a friend," I said with a bit of a confused shrug. Ashley looked at me, not believing me, but deep down I think he knew my heart still belonged to Juliet and always would no matter what. I shifted my position and sat up. "What? This' her room if you hadn't noticed Ash. Where else was she gonna sleep?"

"Y'know she likes you," Ashley stated, just looking at me now.

I sighed and nodded, looking down as I shifted my position a bit.

"Yeah, I know."

"Y'don't want her readin' into this man," Ashley warned, clearly worried that Tay would think I liked her the same way.

I looked to Ashley. "She knows I don't feel the same way 'bout her."

"Y'never know Ando," he said with a shrug. "Now that 'cha single and ready to mingle, she might think otherwise."

Unbroken (#3 in the 'Outcast' series)Where stories live. Discover now