Chapter 32

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Chapter 32:

"He's suicidal," I heard someone say as they came through the door. "It's clearly an act. What's the freak even been through?"

"Apparently his girlfriend left him," someone else said. "Not something to get suicidal over."

I was sitting next to the door, so they wouldn't have seen me as they'd come in. I was still in the same position and I didn't move. I was pretty sure I was missing out on class by now, but that was the least of my worries. I heard the two talking again.

"Well, from what I've heard, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a cutter like that fucking...what's his name? That Jacoby kid."

"This kid has serious mental issues by the sounds of it. The whole thing's gotta be an act. He's hardly been through anything. A bit of shit talk, but that's it. Nothing to be suicidal over."

They both clearly hadn't realised I was here, as they probably wouldn't have still been talking like this if they knew I was able to hear them. There were always those people who'd talk big when talking behind someone's back, but they'd never say it to the person's face.

"He's just a freak that's after attention," the first guy said.

Tear were still running down my face as I listened to them talk and tried to think of something else. It really hurt hearing what they were saying, but I knew they wouldn't care. Those types of people never did.

"Well, who knows? I mean-."

"Man, shut up," the first guy warned, keeping his voice down. "Motherfucker; he's by the door."

"Jesus Christ, what? How long's he been there?"

"I dunno. Shit, c'mon. Let's just go."

I heard them leave, hearing the door shut. There was silence for a bit before I heard the door open again. I stayed where I was, not moving from the position I was in. Someone sighed.

"Great; now what? He's not here. Man, where is he?"

"C'mon Jake, we'll go look somewhere else. He couldn't have gotten far."

Since I was right next to the door, people clearly didn't see me as they came in, as the door opened inwards, and I ended up basically behind the door when it opened. You'd only see me if you closed the door and looked.

I heard someone walk out, but the other person stayed.

"Wait, CC! Come back! He's here!"

I heard CC come back.

"Whatcha talkin' 'bout?" I heard him ask. "I can't see him anywhere."

"His stuff's here, which means he's still here somewhere."

CC sighed. "Alright, we'll look. We're missing class."

"It's just P.E," was the response he got.

I heard them move and the door closed. They moved around a bit before one of them sighed.

"He's gotta be here."

"C'mon man. We can't see him here, so let's just go look somewhere else."

"Like where? We've looked everywhere he'd be CC! Where else would he go?"

There was silence between them.

"Uh, Jake? I think I found him..." CC said, keeping his voice down.

Someone moved over to me and put a hand on my shoulder, making me flinch.

"Andy? Hey, you wanna talk?"

Unbroken (#3 in the 'Outcast' series)Where stories live. Discover now