Chapter 34

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Chapter 34:

Andy's Point of View:

"Y'know you could've just gone home. You didn't have to wait for me," I said as I walked up to the front door, feeling the pain with every movement I made.

CC shrugged, watching me with concern.

"It's fine. Just wanted to make sure you actually got here," he said in response. "But yeah, I should probably head home. Mom's probably home by now."

I nodded and he gave me a nod in return before heading off down the sidewalk as I opened the door and headed inside. Tara looked up from the table, and seeing it was me, she rushed over and hugged me.

"Ah, Christ sake Tara," I said, making sure she knew I was in too much pain to be hugged right now.

She quickly let me go and looked at me with a guilty expression.

"Sorry," she said quietly as she looked at me. "I'm just glad to see you."

"Is Connor home?" I asked.

She nodded and I sighed. That was the last thing I wanted to hear right now. I was pretty sure the school would've called my aunt, so I was gonna hear it when she got home. Knowing that Connor was here was enough to make the rest of the day bad.

"You feeling any better?" Tara asked, looking me up and down with concern.

"Not really," I said as I put my things down where I was. "I feel worse actually, but thanks for asking."

Tara looked at me sadly.

"Y'know you probably shouldn't sleep in the same room as Connor now," she said.

"Where else am I gonna sleep then?" I asked seriously, already a bit frustrated with her. "I know Connor hates me and he'll probably try kill me in my sleep, but where else am I gonna sleep?"

Tara just looked at me and I sighed, picking my things up again and painfully making my way down the hallway. She followed me as I walked into Connor's room, trying to ignore Connor who looked up as I entered.

"Decided to come home did we?" he asked as I put my things down and grabbed my laptop from where I'd left it last time I'd used it. "Didn't think you were still around."

"Leave him alone Connor," Tara said as I continued to ignore him and headed out of the room. "You've done enough."

Connor just gave an unamused laugh and didn't say anything more as I headed back down the hallway, Tara not far behind. She sat down opposite me at the table and watched as I started up my laptop.

"What're you doing?" she asked, clearly trying to make conversation.

"Gonna do a couple things for school," was my unemotional response. "Need to get it done before something happens."

Tara frowned. "What's that s'posed to mean Andy?"

"Just need to get it done," I said, keeping my eyes on the screen. "That's all."

Tara sighed and moved from her position to sit next to me.

"Cheer up a bit," she said, keeping her gaze on me as I avoided it and continued looking at the screen of my laptop. "I know Connor really fucked up, but try see the positive side."

"Y'know where he's hidden 'em yet?"

Tara sat there for a few seconds without answering.

"I forgot," she admitted.

"'Course you did," I said back, still avoiding her gaze. "Everyone always forgets when it's to do with me. They always forget that kinda stuff, but everything else they can use against me, they always remember."

Unbroken (#3 in the 'Outcast' series)Where stories live. Discover now