Chapter 25

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Chapter 25:

Ashley's Point of View:

Josh shifted his position and I just glanced at him before continuing on with the game I was playing on my phone.

"Alright you two, don't stay up all night," Tay's mom said as she headed out.

"Mmhm," was my response.

"Sure thing," Josh said.

Once she was gone, Josh looked to me, making me look up from my phone.


He watched me for a bit before he answered.

"Just weird," he said with a shake of his head, making sure he kept his voice down a bit.

"What is?" I asked, tilting my head to the side in slight confusion.

Josh shrugged, shifting his position again. "Just weird seeing Tay crushing on someone, y'know?"

This time, I shrugged. I looked back to my phone as it went off, signalling someone was texting me.

"I dunno to be honest," I said in return as I replied to Jinxx's message. "Never had any of my close friends crushing on anyone."

Josh frowned. "What 'bout Andy?"

"What 'bout him?"

"He had a girlfriend," he said, making sure he used the correct tense of 'had'. "Didn't he crush on her?"

I shook my head as I thought.

"Not really," I said. "Caught us all by surprise though if I'm honest. None of us really saw it comin'. I mean, we all joked 'round before, just 'cause he got so awkward 'bout that kinda stuff, but we didn't know they actually liked each other."

Josh just watched me as I kept thinking.

"But y'know, Juliet's always been one a' the more 'popular' girls at school, and she was already with someone when her and Andy hooked up," I continued, briefly forgetting who I was speaking to. "But they got on so well and they looked great together. Her and Andy I mean, not her and Matt. But they looked good together too..."

"You realise you ramble a lot?" Josh said, his accent making me smile in amusement.

"Man, I still can't get over that accent of yours," I said, that smile still there as Josh just gave me an unamused look. "I wish I had a cool accent."

"Maybe one day Ashley," he said in response.

I just shrugged.

"So anyway," I said, trying to change the subject from his most awesome accent. "Why's it weird seeing Tay crushing on Andy?"

Josh shrugged.

"It's just real outta character for her," he said, looking over at the wall as he spoke. "She's always been one a' those chicks who 'don't need no man in her life', y'know? So I dunno what Andy did to make her like him, but whatever it is, he's done well."

"I don't need no man in my life neither," I said, Josh just shooting me a strange look which made me smile in amusement as he just dismissed it and shook his head. "So I know where she's comin' from there. Apart from that, I dunno. Andy's a great guy, but I dunno why she's attracted to him. I mean, I can't exactly say he's attractive, 'cause that'd make you wonder 'bout my sexuality."

"I think everyone already wonders," Josh said, no emotion in his tone at all.

I just shot him a look and he smiled in amusement before I continued.

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