Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

Andy's Point of View:

A knock on the door made me and Brian both look up. Vic and Mike were standing in the doorway.

"Hey guys," Brian said as they came in and stood just behind the chair I was currently sitting in. "How can I help?"

They both shrugged.

"Just came to check in, 'cause we were passin' by," Mike said.

Brian nodded. Matt was out again like most times anyone stopped by, and Brian looked at him briefly before he looked back to the Fuentes'.

"Well," he began, about to explain what we'd just found out about half an hour ago. "The doctor said he was gonna be 'round in 'bout an hour to talk to Matt and let 'im know what's goin' on, so he can decide what he wants to do."

They both nodded and Mike spoke.

"So how come you guys haven't told him already?"

"Didn't wanna freak 'im out anymore," Zacky said as he walked in, making the Fuentes brothers both jump at his sudden appearance, as they'd had their backs to the door.

Mike nodded in understanding and Vic just stayed quiet. Mike looked to me.

"So how come you're here at the moment?" he asked.

"Juliet's around somewhere," I said with a casual shrug. "She wanted to come see Matt, so I just came along anyway."

Mike nodded once more and we all fell silent.


After waiting another hour, just talking with each other every so often, Matt was awake and the doctor had just arrived. Matt still didn't look all the great, and he certainly wasn't getting any better, and it was about time he knew what was really going on.

Brian helped him sit up a bit, and we all saw how difficult it really was for Matt. We'd all decided that Brian should be the one to tell Matt what was going on, and when he'd finally built up enough courage to do so, he sat down again and began.

"Alright Matt," he started, looking down briefly as he tried to keep himself together. "There's somethin' we've gotta letcha know, and we decided that I was gonna be the one to say it."

Matt just looked at him tiredly and waited for what Brian had to say. Brian sighed and ran a hand down his face before he continued.

"We've all been told that the reason you don't seem to be getting any better is 'cause they may have missed something in the rush," he said, Matt expression remaining the same. "We were told that if they try find what's not fixed, it could potentially risk your life, but if it doesn't get fixed, you're gonna die."

He looked at him sadly and we all saw the sadness in Matt's eyes. He sighed and Brian looked at him.

"Look man, we wantcha to make this decision," he said. "It's your choice of whatcha do, but each has a risk."

Matt nodded, but didn't say anything, and we all saw him thinking. The doctor was the one to speak.

"What your friend said is all true," he said, making Matt switch his gaze to him. "To try and find what we've missed shouldn't be too hard, but there's a risk that if we go through with the operation, you might not make it back. The chance is very low."

Matt looked over at Brian.

"Don't you make me choose man," Brian said sadly with a shake of his head. "This' your choice. This' you. Just think 'bout it for a bit."

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