Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. It was nearly seven.

"Alright guys, we should probably head off," I said, the others looking at me.

"Aw, so soon Andy?" Vic said.

"Yeah, sorry guys," I said. "I wanna head over and see Juliet before it gets too late anyway."

"But Andy!" Ashley complained. "We wantcha to stay here with us! She can wait for a few more days!"

I laughed as Ashley pouted at me and crossed his arms.

"I'm here all break Ash," I said.

"Exactly," he said, Jinxx shaking his head in amusement. "Which means that she can wait and you can hang out with us for the rest of the week when we're not at school."

"C'mon Ash," Jinxx said. "If he wants to go see his girlfriend, let him. He can hang out with us later in the week."

Ashley shook his head stubbornly then looked to me, a slight smile on his face.

"You even know where she lives?" he asked smugly.

"I can always call and ask," I shot back.

Ashley grinned and got to his feet.

"I can show you where she lives!" he said. "But only if you say I'm right."

"Right 'bout what?" I asked, looking at him.

"I'll only help you out if you agree with me," he said.

"Agree with what?" I asked with a bit of annoyance and confusion. "You told me that you wanted me to say you were right, and now I have to agree on something instead?"

"Mmhm," Ashley said with a nod.

Jinxx sighed and looked to me.

"Y'want me to show you instead?" he asked, Ashley shooting him a disapproving look. "I know what he wants ya to agree to, and you won't ever agree on it."

"You're not allowed to show him," Ashley said to him stubbornly. "I offered first."

"Fuck sake Ash, he's not gonna agree and you know it," Jinxx said. "Just show 'im where she lives so he can get there before nine."

Ashley looked at him and sighed in defeat.

"Ok, fine," he said as he walked out. "But I still stand by what I said!"

Jinxx shook his head and looked to me and Jake as we stood up.

"He was gonna make you agree that Superman's better than Batman," he said.

I gave a laugh. "Yeah, no; that would never happen."

Jinxx smiled.

"Ok, see you guys later then," he said as we headed out.

"Bye guys!" Vic called after us, him and Mike waving.

We waved back and headed over to the front door where Ashley was waiting, playing around on his phone. He looked up as we came to a halt.

"Yo hey," he said, putting his phone away. "Where're you guys stayin'? Jake probably doesn't wanna go see your girlfriend with 'cha."

I smiled in amusement.

"We're staying at my place," I said, Ashley looking at me with interest. "I still have the keys and it's technically still owned by my parents, so it's still my place."

Ashley grinned and swung the door open, disappearing outside, me and Jake following. I shut the door and we both had to jog to catch up to Ashley who was already halfway down the street. I slowed down to his pace, Jake a few paces behind us.

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