Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Mike's Point of View:

"Whatcha writin'?"

Vic quickly shut his music book and looked to me as I looked over his shoulder.

"Nothing," he said quickly. "Why?"

I frowned. "Everything ok Vic?"

Vic hesitated for a few seconds before he nodded, putting his book away and locking the draw.

"Yeah, sorry Mike," he said. "Just startled me a bit, that's all."

I nodded slowly. "Um ok then."

Vic turned his music down and looked to me.

"So whatcha doin'?" he asked. "Why're you here?"

I looked at him for a few seconds as I tried to remember why I came to talk to him in the first place.

"I dunno," I said as I tried to think. "Now I can't remember why I came in here..."

Vic looked at me questioningly, but then I remembered.

"Oh, that's right," I said. "Mom wanted you for somethin'."

Vic looked at me for a few seconds before he nodded and got up, walking past me and out of his room. I looked at the draw he'd locked his music book in, and I wondered what could be so secret about what he was writing that he wouldn't even let me see it.

I'd read through that book many times, and this was the first thing Vic was writing that I wasn't allowed to see and it made me wonder. I knew he had the key with him right now, so there wasn't really any point in me trying to get it unlocked, especially seeing as Vic could come back at any second...

"Still here Mike?"

I jumped and turned around. Vic was looking at me from his doorway, a slight bit of curiosity on his face as he crossed his arms and leant against the doorframe.

"Sorry," I said, heading out and going past him.

"Mike," Vic called after me as I came to a halt in the doorway to my room.

I looked back at him and I saw the concern on his face.

"Everything ok man?" he asked. "It looks like you're a bit lost in something."

I nodded. "Everything's fine Vic. Just one of those days I guess."

Vic nodded in return, but I could still see the concern on his face. He disappeared into his room and closed the door. I heard his music get louder and I sighed to myself, going into my room, leaving my door ajar.

Something was going on with Vic, and from past experiences, I knew it couldn't be good.


Andy's Point of View:

"Get up, get up!"

I groaned and buried my face in the pillow, already knowing that Ashley was the one that had just opened the curtains and let the light come in. He always did that, and now wasn't any different.

"C'mon Andy, up!" Ashley said as I looked over at him. "Gotta be there before eleven-thirty like always!"

He spun the chair like always and I watched him. It was Saturday, so I knew he wanted me to come along and meet with the others. As usual, it wasn't even ten o'clock yet. I buried my face in the pillow again.

"Gimme another hour," I mumbled.

"No," Ashley said stubbornly. "Now get up before I make you get up."

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