Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

A brief knock on the door made me look over. The door opened and Tay looked in.

"Hey," she said, opening the door a bit more and coming in. "Just came to check to see if you were awake."

"Well guess this' your answer," I said as I put my shirt on.

I looked to her and she gave me a bit of a smile, clearly attempting to try and make me feel better. I gave a brief smile back, though truth was, I just wasn't feeling it today. I don't think I ever was any more.

"So anyway," Tay said as she looked me up and down with interest before settling her gaze on my face. "Ash said you were heading home today?"

I gave a nod. "Yeah; kinda should. My aunt might be wondering where I am."

Tay frowned and I watched as she thought. I waited until she was ready to speak.

"I would've thought she'd have called by now to see where you were," she said as she just stared at me and made me feel a slight bit awkward.

I frowned as well. She had a pretty good point. It was then that I realised something.

"Oh no," I said with a sigh. "She's not back 'til Monday."

"Where's she gone?" Tay asked.

I shook my head. "Something to do with work. She went on the Monday just gone."

Tay looked at me with realisation before she spoke again.

"Well you can always stay here as long as you need, 'specially if she's not home to keep Connor under control," she said. Her expression turned serious. "I dunno how I feel 'bout 'cha going home with no-one to control that little psycho."

I just shook my head. "I'm gonna have to go home..."

Tay looked at me sadly and I finally looked back to her. I just gave her a brief smile before heading out of the room and down the stairs. Ashley was in the living room, just talking to Josh. They both looked up as I appeared in the doorway, Tay a few paces behind me.

"We headin' off?" Ashley asked, a bit of uncertainty in his tone.

I nodded and he gave a nod in return.

"Just gimme a sec to grab my notebook," I said, heading back over to the stair case. "Left it upstairs. I'll meetcha at the door."

Ashley gave a nod and I headed back upstairs, Tay in tow. She looked at me as I grabbed my notebook and phone from the bedside table. I turned to head back out, but she just crossed her arms and stood in the doorway, blocking my exit.

"C'mon Tay, move please," I said, really not in the mood to be delayed.

Tay looked at me seriously.

"Andy, I don't want you leaving here until your aunt gets back," she said, a bit of worry displayed in her tone. "I don't wantcha getting physically hurt."

I just looked at her for a few seconds before trying to get around her. Tay quickly stepped in my way, putting her hand on my chest to make me stop.

"C'mon, please move," I said. "I just wanna go home Tay."

Tay sighed. "Please just listen to me Andy."

"I listened, and I said no," I said seriously, starting to get a bit irritated with her now. "Now please move."

Tay and I held gazes for a few seconds before she moved. I gave a nod of thanks and was about to head out, but she put her hand on my arm, making me stop again. I looked at her with slight curiosity for a few brief seconds before she caught me off guard by hugging me.

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