Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

Andy's Point of View:

Jinxx had stayed with Ashley and me for a few days before he joined Vic and Mike wherever they were staying. By the time the week ended once again, it was looking good for me being able to head back home.

It was Saturday, and we were all just talking like normal when the doctor made her presence known. The conversation stopped and the doctor looked to me.

"I've been told you're doing a lot better," she said to me, making me shrug.

Ashley looked at her. "He's better than when he first came in here."

She nodded and looked back to me.

"Well, I've been talking to a few people, including your psychiatrist, and we came to the conclusion that you should be right to head home later on today," she said. "If anything happens, you come straight back here, ok?"

I nodded and she nodded back.

"I'll be back around when we've got all the release forms and everything ready," she said, heading out.

Once she was gone, Ashley looked to me, a smile on his face.

"'Bout time they letcha outta here."


"It's good to have you home Andy," Tara said as she held the door open for me, even though I was quite capable of it myself.

Connor just glanced at me as I passed by him, Ashley and Juliet in tow. He didn't seem too happy to have me back here, and I was starting to think that he'd reverted back to his usual self, which wasn't going be to that great for me.

Aiden gave me a nod from his position next to Connor, to which I returned one of my own. Ashley followed me into the living room, Juliet just behind. My aunt appeared in the doorway as I sat down.

"Now, I don't want you going anywhere for a few days, ok Andy?" she said, making me roll my eyes in annoyance. "I don't want you rushing into anything too soon, alright?"

I just nodded and she disappeared from the doorway, going somewhere else in the house. I looked to Ashley.

"We up for a walk?"

Ashley frowned. "Didn't she just...?"

"I know," I said with annoyance. "But I'm sayin' otherwise. Now, are you stayin' here, or coming for a walk?"

He looked at me suspiciously as I got up, Juliet just looking at me with concern.

"Depends where we're going..." he said slowly. "Depends who I gotta talk to..."

I just rolled my eyes again and headed out past him and Juliet.

"You'll see," I said as I headed to the front door, hearing as someone followed me.

I heard Ashley sigh as I went out. He quickly caught up and closed the door after himself, catching up to me as I reached the sidewalk and kept walking. Juliet had clearly stayed behind, and so it was just me and Ashley walking.

"So where're we headed?"

"I told 'cha," I said, glancing at him with a smile as we walked. "You'll see."


Vic looked over as Ashley and I walked towards them. He gave us a cheerful wave like always, getting the attention of the other four. Mike, Jaime, Tony and Jinxx all looked over as Ashley and I came to a halt.

"Well hey there guys," Mike said. "Didn't expect to see anyone around here today, 'specially you two."

I shrugged. "Felt like getting outta the house for a bit."

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