Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

"Huh? Why?" I asked, a bit confused right now.

"Andy told me to call you," Jake said. "I was talking to Tara and she said his depression's come back and it's really hit 'im hard. Andy told me to call you and getcha here, 'cause you're the only one that can talk 'im outta it."

"Wait, hang on," I said in shock as Jake's words sunk in. "Talk him outta what?"

"Man, you've gotta help," Jake said, his tone rather desperate. "Andy's in a real dark place right now and without 'cha here to talk him outta it, he's gonna go through with it."

Vic saw the expression on my face and must've realised that something was seriously wrong.

"Are you saying, that if I'm not there to talk him outta it, Andy's gonna...he's gonna kill himself?"

"He's in a real dark place right now Ash, and he's not getting any better. He's just getting worse," Jake said sadly as the others all turned their attention to me and my side of the conversation. "He's afraid he's actually gonna go through with it and right now, after seein' how miserable he is, I wouldn't put it past him. You can instantly tell somethin's wrong and you can see how much he hates himself and everything right now."

"Why's he...why's he think I'll be able to stop him?" I asked, fearing that I wasn't gonna be able to help.

"He trusts you with everything Ash; y'know that right? We've tried everything we can think of to make 'im feel better, but he's just gotten to that point where he's startin' to lock everyone and everything out. He's headin' into the danger zone man."

"Ok, I'll try get there as soon as I can," I said. Then I remembered that I didn't have the money to make the trip. "Aw no; I don't have the money to make the trip Jake..."

"Please Ashley. You seriously gotta get here," Jake practically begged.

Vic looked to me. "If this concerns Andy and his life, we're gonna make sure you make this trip."

I nodded, but didn't have much hope. The next step was convincing the parents.

"I'll do what I can. Just gimme twenty-four hours to get back to you."


Andy's Point of View:

There was a quiet knock on the door to Connor's room. I was once again lying on my bed with my back to the door, Connor texting away to someone over the other side of the room.

"Dinner's ready," my aunt said.

I heard Connor get up and I heard him saying something to my aunt before he left the room. I heard as my aunt came over and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Andy? Are you coming to have dinner with us?" she asked quietly, and I heard the concern in her voice.

"I'm not hungry," I mumbled in response.

My aunt sighed.

"Sweetheart, Connor said you haven't eaten in over three days, maybe more," she said as I continued to stare at the wall in misery. "You need to come and have something to eat. This isn't healthy."

"Not hungry."

She sighed again.

"Andy, I was talking to your mother earlier on today and she's aware of what's going on," she said. "We both think it's about time you see someone about this. I can see something's wrong, and everyone else can see it. You're really worrying everyone."

Unbroken (#3 in the 'Outcast' series)Where stories live. Discover now