Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

"C'mon Andy, calm down a bit, hey?" Tay said after sitting there and trying to calm me down for the past ten minutes, maybe even twenty. "You're gonna be ok."

"Andy," Ashley said, making me look up and meet his sad gaze. "We need to getcha over to the hospital to get that hand looked at."

I shook my head. "No; I wanna call Juliet first."

"What've you done to your hand?" Tay asked, taking my right hand and making me wince in pain.

"He thinks he broke it when he hit Connor," Ashley said, Tay looking at me with concern. He looked to me. "Call Juliet later when you've calmed down a bit. It's not worth making things worse between you two now, and we need that hand looked at."

I shook my head as Tay let my hand go and I tried to ignore the pain still. I got up from where I was sitting and took my phone out, walking away as I dialled and waited for an answer. After a few rings, Juliet answered.


"You got somethin' you need to tell me?" I asked as I came to a halt near the sidewalk, a fair distance from the others.

There was a pause.

"Ashley told you, didn't he?" Juliet responded quietly.

"Yeah he did, and I broke my hand when I hit Connor," I said back harshly. "I can't believe you Juliet. What the hell did I do to make you do that?"

"Andy, you weren't meant to find out," she said desperately, clearly trying to get me back to her side of the problem; something in her voice made me wonder if there was any truth in this whole situation, but the anger was too quick to take over and I didn't even give it any attention.

"I trusted you!" I practically shouted, the anger returning as tears once again ran down my face. "I actually fucking trusted you and thought you cared!"

"Andy, you know I care about you."

"Don't give me that bullshit Juliet," I snapped, just feeling angry and heartbroken. "I can't believe you did this to me. You meant everything to me and you knew that."

"Andy, I'm sorry."

"Don't you dare say that," I said back. "You just used me to get whatcha wanted then went behind my back. I trusted you and you betrayed that. I gave you more than just my trust Juliet!"

"Just listen to me!" Juliet pleaded. "It wasn't meant to happen, ok?"

"Ashley told me it was more than once," I said, trying to calm down but having no success whatsoever.

"Just stop. I don't care what the fuck Ashley said. I care about you Andy, and you fucking well know it."

"Stop saying that!" I shouted, really wishing she'd stop trying to make me believe what she was saying, as it wasn't true. "It's clear you don't. If you actually cared, you wouldn't have gone behind my back with my fucking cousin! I'm sorry Juliet, but we're done. I don't wanna see you, or hear from you again."

I hung up and threw my phone to the ground in frustration, breaking it more than it already was from last time I'd thrown it half way across the room, cracking the screen that bit more. I sat down exactly where I was and brought my knees up and put my head down, just completely breaking down.

Someone sat down next to me and put their arms around me, pulling me closer.

"C'mon man," Ashley said sadly. "We all understand what's wrong, and no-one's judgin'. Just take as long as ya need. We're all here for you."

Unbroken (#3 in the 'Outcast' series)Where stories live. Discover now