Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Jake's Point of View:

Jinxx glanced over as I came into the kitchen. It was about nine, and Andy and Juliet had both decided to call it quits for the night, the others still going at the gaming. Jinxx glanced at me again as I halted.

"Can I help you with something?" he asked with a frown as he continued on with constructing a sandwich for Ashley.

I shrugged and just watched him. Jinxx sighed and stopped with what he was doing. He looked me up and down and I saw him thinking.

"Somethin' on your mind," he stated. "What's up?"

I just shrugged again and I saw his expression change to slight curiosity. He went back to making the sandwich as I spoke.

"Are these guys usually like that?" I asked, watching him.

"Like what?" Jinxx asked. "If you mean competitive, then yeah. They get like that when it comes down to gaming."

I nodded and put my hands in my pockets, watching as he cut the sandwich in two.

"Do they usually call it quits at the same time?" I asked as Jinxx went over to one of the cupboards and found a plate for Ashley's sandwich.

"If they do, you don't question it or disturb them," he said, putting a few things over in the sink.

I nodded again and Jinxx paused and looked at me.

"What?" he asked, a slight bit of irritation in his tone. "Why're you lookin' at me like that?"

I stared at him blankly.

"Like what?"

Jinxx sighed. "Like you know me."

I shrugged and he continued to look at me with that unamused expression.

"You're name's Jeremy, right?" I asked.

Jinxx looked at me, slightly caught off guard, and I saw a bit of annoyance flash through his eyes.

"I gave up that name a long time ago," he said.

I frowned. "Why?"

Jinxx shrugged.

"Just 'cause," he said. "Used to get a lot of shit from people; that's why."

"So how come they all call you Jinxx now then?" I asked curiously.

He shrugged again. "I dunno. Ash was the one that came up with that in seventh grade."

I nodded.

"Y'know these guys long?"

"Since seventh," Jinxx replied. "Moved here just before the end of sixth 'cause both my parents had to go for their job. So yeah, guess you could say I've known 'em for a bit."

I nodded and Jinxx saw me thinking. He sighed and shifted his position.

"Whatcha wanna know?" he asked. I frowned and looked at him. He sighed again. "Somethin's annoying you; I can tell. Whatcha wanna know?"

I hesitated, but managed to ask.

"You move from Ohio?"

Jinxx frowned and crossed his arms.

"How'd you know that?" he asked, looking me up and down briefly. "I never told Andy that, so how'd you know?"

I sighed. Jinxx kept watching me.

"I used to know a kid that was called Jeremy," I said, feeling slightly awkward explaining this to him. "Your story fits. That's all."

Jinxx looked at me as he thought. I saw a slight bit of interest in his expression. After a bit, he shrugged.

Unbroken (#3 in the 'Outcast' series)Where stories live. Discover now