Chapter 31

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Chapter 31:

Matt's Point of View:

"Hey Sanders!"

I sighed in annoyance as Zacky and I came to a halt. It was Monday, which meant we were back at school, which also meant I was gonna be in for a bad day.

After the incident last term, it'd really changed some people's views on me. I didn't really mind, as it allowed me to be myself a bit more, but in other ways, it annoyed me. People still moved outta my way in the corridors, but there was always that one person who wanted to pick a fight.

I still wasn't one-hundred percent healed up after the issue with Eddie, but I wasn't about to let anyone know and I wasn't about to let that stop me.

I turned around to see who'd called me. The kid that looked back at me was one of Eddie's guys, and his name was Hans. Him and Eddie were basically best friends, and now that Eddie was gone, that left Hans in charge of his little 'gang'.

"What?" I asked, making sure my tone showed how little time I had for people like Hans.

Hans was shorter than me, and he was nowhere near as built up. He'd clearly never seen the inside of a gym, and even Andy had more muscle and less fat than this guy, which was quite impressive, as Andy wasn't very built up at all and he was just rather thin. It was just his build I guess.

Hans looked at me from his position, trying to increase his height by standing up straighter. It was almost a sight to make me laugh.

"You still think you're so tough, don't you?" Hans snarled, trying to be intimidating.

"Fuck off," I said with no enthusiasm at all. "I don't have time for you today Hans. Go fuck with one a' your friends or something."

A few people that were standing in the corridor and just watching had to hold back a bit of laughter as I said that. Zacky just stayed quiet as he tried not to laugh as well as I kept a completely straight face.

Hans glared at me. He went to hit me, but I just grabbed his wrist, making sure to apply enough pressure to make him cry out in pain.

"What'd I just say?" I snapped, making sure he knew I was serious. "Fuck off."

Hans kept glaring at me as I let him go.

"You'll regret that Sanders!" he called as I turned my back on him and headed off towards the cafeteria.

"I'm sure I will!" I called over my shoulder, really past caring about low-lives like Hans.

Zacky followed me as I walked over to the back of the cafeteria and came to a halt at Vic's table.

"Any places for me here?" I asked as Vic and the others looked at me.

Vic looked at bit stunned, but seeing I was serious, he nodded and gestured for me and Zacky to take a seat. We did as asked and Vic looked at me. I was sitting next to him, but he looked at bit more comfortable around me now.

"What brings you here?" he asked curiously, the others looking at me as well.

Zacky stayed quiet as I shrugged.

"I dunno," I said. "Don't think I really wanna sit there any more, y'know?"

Vic nodded and gave me a friendly smile.

"Well then," he said. "Welcome to the group."

Ronnie looked up from his position further down the table. He looked to Zacky.

"Hey," he said, getting Zacky's attention. "Sorry 'bout you having to keep an eye on Charlie for so long. Been tryin' to sort it all out it with dad for the past few weeks."

Unbroken (#3 in the 'Outcast' series)Where stories live. Discover now