Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Andy's Point of View:

"So you guys heading off on Tuesday, yeah?"

CC nodded. "Mmhm. A week's good enough for us here man. And anyway, we don't wanna be interrupting you and your girl."

I just rolled my eyes and he smiled.

"Jake might stay a bit longer though," he said, texting away to someone.

I still had time to kill before heading back to the hospital. Juliet said that she'd call me to let me know when to head back over there.

CC paused and looked at me with a bit of interest.

"So how're you going?" he asked, making me frown.

"Why?" I asked. "Whatcha wanna know for?"

CC shrugged and put his phone down.

"I dunno," he said. "Y'just seem a bit lost. Just wanna know if everything's alright or not."

I shrugged, not too sure if everything was alright.

"I just think it's the fact that I don't wanna go back to California in a few weeks," I said, CC nodding in understanding. "I feel better being here than there."

CC nodded and leant back in his chair.

"I know whatcha mean," he said, making me look down. "I can see you seem to be doing better here. Shame you've gotta leave it all again."

"Yeah well hopefully my parents will be back in a week or so," I said, not sure if that was a good thing or not. "Maybe try talk some sense into 'em for once."

"Got a bit of a parent problem hey?"

I shrugged. "I dunno anymore man. They just got up and went off on a damn three month trip which has been more than three months and they shipped me off to my aunt's place. Just makes me wonder, y'know?"

I sighed and looked around, trying to get my mind onto something else. CC crossed his arms.

"They care 'bout 'cha man," he said not-so-convincingly. "But that was a dick move on their part. Making ya move like that and leavin' ya for a damn trip? They could've easily taken you along."

I laughed and looked at him, CC smiling, as he knew he'd made me feel a slight bit better.

"Yeah well," I said. "Still gotta wonder really."

CC just nodded and my phone went off. It was Juliet.

"Sorry, gotta take this," I said as I answered. "Mmhm?"

"Hey Andy. Just wanted to let you know that everything went fine and he's gonna be awake in a bit."

"Awesome," I said. "I'll head over there now."

"Ok. See you when you get here."

She hung up and I put my phone back in my pocket. CC watched me as I got up from where I was sitting.

"Headin' off man?"

I nodded. "Yeah, sorry. Juliet said everything went fine, so I was gonna head over and see 'im."

CC nodded in understanding.

"Alright. Catcha when you get back I guess."


"Andy! Yo hey!"

Ashley gave me a wave as he put his phone away as I walked over.

"Hey Ash," I said. "Whatcha doin' here?"

Unbroken (#3 in the 'Outcast' series)Where stories live. Discover now