Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

Vic's Point of View:

"Vic!" I heard Mike call urgently as he knocked frantically on my door. "Man, open up!"

I turned my music down and went over to the door as Mike kept knocking. I opened it and looked out to see Mike looking like he had something he desperately needed to say.

"What's wrong?" I rushed. "Something happen? What's happened?"

"You're never gonna believe what I just heard," Mike rushed, making it almost impossible to understand what he was saying. "I can't believe what I was just told!"

"Man, what is it?" I asked frantically, really wondering what Mike'd been told that was making him all hyped up.

"Ashley just called, and-."

"Michael Fuentes, keep the noise down!" we heard dad yell from downstairs, clearly hearing Mike's rushing around. "If you've taken something to hype you up, you're going to be in big trouble young man!"

"It's fine dad, I'm not high!" Mike called back loudly before looking back to me.

"I don't care if you're not high, just keep the noise down!" dad yelled back, clearly not in the mood for Mike's hyped up mood.

Mike just rolled his eyes and I moved aside to let him in so we weren't causing as much hassle. Mike came in and I shut the door. He looked at me, clearly really needing to tell me something.

"You'll never believe what Ashley just told me when he called like, less than five minutes ago," Mike said, a bit calmer now and more understandable than before.

"What?" I asked, not sure what to think. "Is it to do with Andy?"

Mike nodded, clearly still in a rush.

"Yeah and it's just so unexpected that I almost died when I heard it," he overdramatised. "I swear I almost had a heart-attack Vic."

"Well what is it?" I asked, really needing to know what Ashley'd said to Mike less than five minutes ago; I was all up for gossip.

"Ok, well-."

The door swung open and dad looked between me and Mike.

"What in the world is all this noise about?" he asked.

My music was still going and he looked over at my iPod dock where my music was coming from.

"Vic, please turn that horrible satanic screaming off and listen to something else," he said, his tone annoyed. "It'll do you no good. It'll just make you feel worse about yourself and it'll keep you in a bad mood."

I just looked at him, not moving to do anything. Dad shook his head and walked over to turn my music off.

"No!" I said to no avail.

The music stopped and I just looked at him in annoyance. Dad came back over and looked between me and Mike, ignoring the glare I was now giving him.

"Now Vic, what's gotten your brother so riled up?" he asked with a frown.

"I dunno; I haven't found out yet 'cause you keep interrupting," I shot back, the annoyance clear in my voice. "Why don't 'cha just ask 'im yourself?"

"Come on Vic, don't be like that," Mike said, making me look at him. "Dad doesn't wanna hear gossip anyway. He's too old to care about other people's lives."

Dad just shook his head and went back over to the door. He looked back to me and Mike.

"Just keep it down, ok?" he said, making us both nod. "I don't want to come back up here and tell you again." We both nodded and he switched his gaze to me fully. "And don't go playing that dreadful noise you call music. It'll only make you feel angry with the world and unhappy all the time."

Unbroken (#3 in the 'Outcast' series)Where stories live. Discover now