Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:

Andy's Point of View:

"I think Connor's home," I heard Ashley say.

I quickly looked up from what I was doing and we both listened. Sure enough, we heard Connor, and it sounded like he had someone with him.

"I'm so fucked," I said, looking to Ashley with a worried expression.

Ashley didn't say anything, and he didn't have time to, as Connor and one of his friends appeared in the doorway. Connor shot me a glare, the hatred clearly displayed on his face.

"Decided to come home after all," he said bitterly. "Was almost hoping you'd killed yourself while I was gone."

"Hey," Ashley snapped, shooting Connor a glare as I stood up from where I'd been sitting on my bed. "Back the fuck off Connor. Don't you ever say that to someone."

Connor switched his gaze to him and moved forwards into the room, standing in front of Ashley who didn't back down.

"You stay outta this," he growled. "This isn't your problem Ashley, so if I were you, I'd back off now and leave this to me and Andy."

"Maybe you should back off and stop being such a dick," Ashley shot back.

Connor clearly didn't appreciate being spoken to like that, and he grabbed Ashley by the front of the shirt and dragged him back to the doorway. He indicated for his friend to grab Ashley, and he did, making sure he wasn't going anywhere.

Connor turned his attention back to me as Ashley struggled to get himself outta Connor's friend's grip.

"You're dead Andy," Connor said, pointing at me accusingly as his glare got a bit more intense.

He grabbed me and slammed me up against the wall of the bedroom, putting his forearm across my throat as he held me there.

"What the fuck were you thinking; hitting me like that?" Connor snapped, clearly far from pleased with me as I struggled against him. "You really think that's acceptable? To make matters worse, you knocked me down in front of my friends, which is crossing the line Biersack."

"Connor, let me go," I managed to say as I struggled to get myself free from his grip.

"Not this time," Connor growled.

Luckily though, Tara appeared in the doorway next to where Ashley was being held.

"Connor!" she exclaimed as she saw me up against the wall. "Let him go!"

Connor looked to her. "Fuck off Tara. This' between me and him."

Tara quickly disappeared from the doorway and Connor turned his attention back to me.

"No-one's gonna be able to help you out Andy," he said with a bit of a smirk. "Mom's not home."

I just stayed quiet, as I knew it would just land me in deeper water if I tried to fight back or talk back to him. I watched as he stood there and thought for a bit. Tara appeared in the doorway again.

"Connor, let him go," she tried again.

"Or what?" Connor asked. "You gonna pull me off him?"

"No," Tara said. "But the neighbour will."

Connor frowned as someone else appeared in the doorway. It was their neighbour Darren. Darren was in his late thirties and was about the same size as Connor, but he could easily out-match him if it came down to it; he also knew Connor and I had our issues with each other. Connor looked to Darren then to Tara then to me.

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