Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

Ashley's Point of View:

I knocked on the door and waited, just looking around and watching as people walked down the sidewalk. After a few minutes of waiting and trying to get a song outta my head, the door opened and Tara looked out, getting my attention.

I gave her a smile.

"Yo hey," I said with a wave, making her look at me strangely.

"Uh hey Ashley," she said with uncertainty. "What can I do for you? I thought you'd be at the hospital with Andy."

"Oh I was," I said with a smile, making her keep that questioning look on her face. "But Jake and CC're there at the moment to keep 'im company and he sent me here to get 'im a few things..."

"Right..." Tara said slowly, me just giving her a nod as I agreed. "I guess you can come in then..."

She stepped aside and closed the door once I was in. Connor and Aiden both looked over from the table as I stood there and thought for a few brief seconds.

"Can I help you with something Ashley?" Connor asked.

I looked to him. "Maybe..."

Connor sighed. "Whatcha need?"

"Andy sent me over to get him a couple things..." I said, trailing off as I looked around.

Connor nodded and got up, indicating for me to follow him. I did as asked and he looked at me as I entered his room.

"What's the kid need?" he asked as I looked around.

"He um, just said something..."

Connor sighed again as he crossed his arms.

"Let me guess, he wants his cigarettes and lighter?"

I looked at him with a smile and nodded. "Mmhm!"

Connor shook his head and walked over to Andy's bed, looking over it a few times before he found what he was after. He threw me the packet of cigarettes and begun his search for the lighter. I looked at the packet of cigarettes and shook my head. How in the world could Andy even smoke these? I felt unhealthy just holding the packet.

Connor threw me the lighter as he found it and I nodded my thanks.

"Awesome, thanks Connor," I said as I headed out, putting the packet and lighter in my pocket, which felt really wrong.

Tara stopped me at the door as I went to go out.

"Can you there Tara?" I asked, looking her up and down.

Tara shot me a disapproving look as I looked back to her face.

"For one, stop checking me out," she said, making me give her a guilty smile. "And two, why'd you need those?"

She must've been listening in to Connor's conversation with me.

"Surely he can go a few weeks," she said. "It'll probably do him good and help him beat his addiction."

I looked at her and sighed.

"Look Tara, don't tell anyone," I said. "I just really don't wanna have to put up with Andy going through nicotine withdrawal, ok? I mean, I have to put up with him when he's not, so how'd you think I'd be if I had to go through the withdrawal? I'd be much stranger."

Tara just looked at me for a few seconds, her expression unreadable.

"Jesus Christ you're weird," she said, almost like she'd only just figured it out.

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