Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:

Andy's Point of View:

I watched as Tay left the door ajar and came over, sitting down on the bed next to me. There was a bit of silence between us before she finally spoke.

"Y'know I can always go sleep downstairs if you don't wanna share the bed," she said, her expression serious.

I just shrugged, looking down as I spoke.

"It's fine," I said quietly. I looked up and met her gaze. "I knew what I was in for when Josh claimed the sofa; I feel a bit better having someone with me."

Tay smiled, making me smile back. My phone started going off again, making me sigh as it got both mine and Tay's attention. I grabbed it from the bedside table, rejecting the call.

"Still won't stop calling, hey?" Tay asked sadly, watching me as I put my phone back where I'd gotten it from.

"She's been calling all day, and by the looks of it, she'll be calling all night too," I said, the tiredness showing.

"Maybe she wants to fix things," Tay stated quietly, and I heard a bit of sadness in her tone again.

I shrugged, but deep down I knew she was probably right. Juliet knew she'd screwed up even though I was still blaming myself for the whole thing. I knew she probably still cared, but right now, the last thing I wanted to do was speak to her. I just needed a bit of time before I spoke to her. I'd answer the phone eventually, just not yet, and the more she called, the less I wanted to answer because I knew I'd fucked up when I'd broken it off with her.

We sat there for a bit, just listening to the silence. After a while, Tay looked to me as I spoke.

"Why're you helping me out like this?" I asked with a bit of a frown.

Tay just looked at me for a bit before she actually answered.

"Because you're my friend," she said quietly as I looked down to avoid her gaze. "You know that Andy."

"Yeah, but I know you like me as well," I said, still a bit unsure. "Josh kinda said that not long ago."

Tay looked away as I switched my gaze to her. She sighed, looking back over to me.

"This isn't some plan to hit on you Andy," she said, a bit of a smile on her face. "I'm just looking out for you, that's all. I know you've been having a hard time lately and I just wanna help. I don't wanna see you get hurt."

I just stayed quiet, Tay just looking at me sadly.

"I think I might just go for a walk and clear my head a bit," I said quietly after a bit.

Tay looked over at the clock. "It's nearly eight. Y'sure you wanna walk around in the dark?"

I just shrugged, not sure what I wanted to do any more. Tay just nodded and followed me to the door and down the stairs. I'd made sure I left my phone behind, as it'd just keep ringing and I wouldn't wanna answer it.

Ashley looked over as he saw me go to the front door.

"Where're you off to?" he called as I opened the door and headed out.


Ashley's Point of View:

The door closed and Tay looked to me from her position in the doorway. I looked to her.

"He ok?"

Tay shrugged and switched her gaze to the closed door as she answered.

"I dunno," she said sadly. "I think he just needs a bit of time to think..."

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